Page 248 - Features of an Era
P. 248
h a thick accent, an image imprinted
by most of the cinematic and dramatic
works, mostly comedies presenting the
family members as persons of unending
arrogance and irrational nervousness,
continuously repeating broken,
meaningless phrases.

In this context, here is a photograph A photograph of Princess Amina Hanim Ilhamy,‘The
of Princess Amina Naguiba Ilhamy or Mother of Charity’, granddaughter of Abbas Helmy I
Amina Hanim Ilhamy (1931-1858),
daughter of Prince Ibrahim Ilhamy Pasha, and wife of Khedive Tawfiq, 81 x 72 cm
granddaughter of Wali Abbas Helmy I,
wife of Khedive Tawfiq (1892-1852), and
mother of Khedive Abbas Helmy II (1874
1944 -) and Prince Muhammad Ali Tawfiq
(1954-1875). She was surnamed «Um
Al-Mohsinin» (The Mother of Charity) for
her great generosity and many charitable

Princess Amina Ilhamy is an example
of the previously mentioned contradiction between the prevailing mental image
and the historical constants. This is clearly illustrated in a letter she sent to her son
Abbas Helmy II before he assumed the throne while he was studying in Switzerland.
Presently a holding of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the letter was dated October 3rd,

She wrote «My dear son Abbas,

I hope you are in good health. We all are feeling well. I have heard that you went
to your school. O, my son, the summer has passed, so study your lessons well this
winter, especially writing; I see your handwriting has shown some decline instead
of the expected progress. They assigned you a private tutor and special room, so you
can enjoy comfortably and happily your accommodation there.

O, my son! What pleases your father and I the most is that you obey your teacher.

If you request anything for your room in the winter, upon the approval of your
tutor, I shall send you what you need. I shall also send you my paintings, as well as a
number of paintings I made of the Egyptian artworks, so you can decorate your room.

You will not receive many letters from me; the ones you receive include my advice.
Do not be distressed. As you know well, this advice arises from my wishes of all the
best for you. May Allah reward your efforts with success, and brighten your face. I
pray for you and you shall work hard. Only the prayers last, my son.

Amina - Safar 18th, 1308 AH - October 3rd, 1890 AD»

This aforementioned letter reflecting the simplicity and spontaneity of the mother

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