Page 243 - Features of an Era
P. 243
ablishment of the District Grand Lodge Khedive Isma'il Pasha, oil on canvas, 90 × 110 cm,
ofEgypt.»(14) by A. Lecchi, 1875

The other three paintings portray
different stages of the third character
of this bloody tragedy, Khedive Isma’il
(1895-1830), who acceded to the throne
of Egypt after this accident. In the third
painting, he appears as a young prince,
as Ahmed Rifaat was still the heir to the
throne. It was painted by the French
painter Benoît-Hermogaste Molin (-1810

The third and fourth paintings portray
Isma’il in the prime of his life as the
Khedive of Egypt, after he became
widely known, immersing himself in the
modernization of Egypt, competing with
the rulers of Europe to beautify Cairo,
so as to match the major capitals of the
world then.

Isma’il, oil on canvas, 90 x 68 cm, by Yalent

Youssef Kamal and the Renaissance of Egyptian Modern Art:

(14)  See Younis, Abdel Megid: The Symbolism of the First Degree of Masonic Lodges of Egypt, Ataya Press,
Bab Al-Khalq, 1925.

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