Page 238 - Features of an Era
P. 238
that time. This is what we discern in An excerpt of what was published on April 16th, 1943,
what was published in a number of about the dedication of Ahmed Ibrahim artwork from
Egyptian newspapers and magazines,
on April 16th, 1943, about a dedication Fouad I University to Mustafa El-Nahas.
from Fouad I University (presently Cairo
University) to Mustafa El-Nahas (-1879
1965), the Prime Minister of Egypt
then, representing a relief sculpture that
embodies his figure, executed by Ahmed

King Farouk patronage of Arts
encouraged most princes and nobles,
especially those of his generation
who were regularly keen to attend art
exhibitions, especially his princess

In this context, one of these events was
recorded by the Egyptian press on February
18th, 1949, stating the companion of
his sisters Fawzia Fouad (2013 - 1921)
and Fayza Fouad (1994-1923) to their
brother King Farouk during the opening
of the National Museum of Egyptian
Civilization; they appeared alongside the
Egyptian historian Muḥammad Shafīq
Ghurbāl, Deputy Minister of Education

An excerpt of what was published on February 18th, 1949 about the accompanying of Princess Fawzia
and Princess Faiza to their brother King Farouk during the opening of the National Museum of Egyptian

Civilization. They were accompanied by the Egyptian historian Shafiq Ghurbal as well.

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