Page 236 - Features of an Era
P. 236
«In 1946, His Majesty the King kindly established Fouad I Awards in the memory
of his great father, inhabitant of paradise the late King Fouad I, encouraging scientists
and writers, and stimulating fruitful production and meaningful innovation in science,
literature and law.

Following His Majesty’s approach to encourage men of science, literature and
law, His Majesty’s government established Farouk I Awards to promote excellent
production of social, life, chemical, and geological sciences.

Ministry of Education decided to take another step to His Majesty’s approach
to establish eight annual awards for fine arts called Isma’il Awards for Fine Arts,
glorifying the memory of this King, paying tribute to his bounty on these arts, and
encouraging artists to raise arts to its decent level in national life.

I have the honor to submit this memorandum to the Council of Ministers along
with a draft decree for the establishment of «Isma’il Awards for Fine Arts». Conditions
for issuing are attached, please kindly issue it. Please accept the assurances of my
highest consideration meaning, Minister of Education Taha Hussein.

The Artist Princess

Patronage and passion for arts and owning its valuables were not the last of this
family princes’ relation with the world
of creativity. Among the members of
Muhammad Ali’s family, there were
talented persons who reached high levels
of performance skill and good experience,
matching the levels of famous artists. The
most prominent of these talented persons
was Princess Samiha Hussein, -1889
1984, the daughter of Sultan Hussein
Kamel (1917-1853) and his second wife
Melek Tourhan (1956-1869), known as
Sultana Melek.

At a very early age, Princess Samiha
Hussein was fond of painting and making
sculptures of color clay. Her mother,
Sultana Melek, was concerned with the
development of this artistic talent. She
spent seven years studying painting at
the National School of Fine Arts in Paris
and another period to learn sculpture in

After her return to Egypt, her father, A rare picture of Princess Samiha Hussein wearing
Sultan Hussein, entrusted some French Cossack clothes, painted by one of her teachers
and Italian artists with the task of Source: Al-Mussawar magazine, February 9th, 1945

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