Page 167 - Ahmed Ragab Sakr
P. 167
ections of Writings
on the Artist

Ahmed Ragab Sakr worked at the 4th Youth The 4th Youth Salon, acrylic cardboard,
Salon on idea that represents a smart opinion dimensions: 3× 3 × 4 m , 1992.
on the realities and conditions of international
politics and his plastic art speech which gives
us a summary that Nazism is not over from our
world; it appears in a new dress; he is won-
dering whether the peoples dreams of peace
come true in the era of new major collapse and

Mahmoud Bakshish,
Al-Thaqafa Al-Gadida
magazine, Issue 49,

Compositions in the 3rd Youth Salon came with
no meaning or purpose except for the work of
the artist Ahmed Ragab Sakr who summarizes
concentratedly and dazzlingly his vision of the
Gulf War as a new Nazi; it is artwork with a clear
and centralized depiction, and tone of protest
and objection with the power of expression.

Dr. Sobhy El-Sharouni,
Colors and Statues, Al-
Masaa newspaper,

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