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ةةلدديعى‬،‫رتناضسالطموجفامدعهليموهاوضععشلحدشاايأتضسيّئإوكهموحنللةل‬،‫اورأالرالقدنسعرللااوةجبرببةجماعحةيفاخسمذطدّيتلنبععميبا�تأهرلاخفيةنلّفتر‬،‫مرنا‬،‫بووربمإامحللبوزحملمااعتالاقملوورّةأوةبدج ّتعخة‬١‫جةثةاكا‬٩‫أشلمّل‬،‫ي�علكل‬۸‫كىماتإرااتت‬٧‫بّعلسرفًاقمللعّممماللسنضنانلانفلفمىلعّيبودأاهنااععوجقملفلذشاادينعح‬،‫متكريياعارساهلهال‬،‫طركدظلكعكرراممدّيمفةنلظارظيقاااذاالسهمللةاابظأسفالاسعقيلةيشعوففدلنينرويعنااوةلمادامءلوحبادنم ّصافلرر‬٢‫ ّفميونأن‬٠‫ّاحلزأوصلن‬٠‫هعمكلّاّب‬٦‫هميليوةوذورفيُممي‬،‫منع‬٢،‫ي‬٢‫رلكسسب‬٠‫ر‬٠‫عوااس‬٠١‫ردسر ًاعري‬۲٨‫يمسعتنيداتقاأوولةدحرمةميحًيّت‬،‫مطىايوىرةابمسعلن‬،‫ةلصنتف‬،،‫سرظات�يلالظمنإةسحيف‬٢‫دلنقبوا‬٠‫تثرلااااخ‬١‫فووونللالظلن‬٠‫اااا‬ ‫محمد ظاظا‬
‫ لكل واحدة من لوحاته‬،‫خلق نافذة عبور من هذا العالم إلى بعد آخر من الحياة‬ Mohammed Zaza

.‫تجربة مختلفة لمن ينظر إليها‬

Syrian artist, was born in Riyadh in 1987. Growing up in an ‫سوريا‬ Cairo Binnale 13th 2019
artistic family, he started drawing and painting at an early age. Syria
After completing high school in Saudi Arabia, he moved to Syria
in 2006 to study at the faculty of Fine Arts in Aleppo University. 256
He held his first solo exhibition in 2008 was appointed as a
painting teacher assistant at the University until 2012. he also
works on illustrations and animations.
In his paintings, Zaza focuses on the movement that lies behind
fixed scenes. He redefines the preconceptions of form by re-
moving the link between shape and function. While everything
in the universe is held together by a gravitational force deriving
its energy from a greater whole, Zaza boldly challenges these
limitations by imagining his creations as amorphous and de-
tached from context. Because his paintings aspire to work as a
window to another dimension of life.
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