Page 172 - A Selection Of European Art
P. 172
The beauty of Impressionism in flattening shapes gives the
internal lighting its glow that emanates internally from the
painting, not externally. Moreover, the beauty of style, which
makes the pure color the basis for composition; the techniques
of the Impressionists were characterized by the fragmentation
of complementary colors and the trace of visual sensations
resulting from the passage of time in a place and the change
of light hour by hour. Thus, the “Impressionistic” work of art
celebrates the capture of what is momentary and temporary,
and that coincidence is the principle of existence, which gives
the effect of movement. The viewer possibly experiences an
“Impressionistic” artwork with his visual sense directly and
feels that the sunlight rays have permeated the tree leaves
and reflected on the surface of the grass, and the differences
between the successive atmospheric changes have faded until
he finally forms an impression reaching his soul. If the passion
for paintings characterized by spontaneous expression and
lively nature, and the reflection of the artist’s self is a truth that
has its logical justification in the world of art, then that can

Eugène Louis Boudin «French», 1824 / 1898, Washerwomen on the Beach of Douville, Oil on wood, 24 x 32.5 cm.
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