Page 190 - Ahmed Fouad Selim
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ists and audience. It used to present eight seasons and twenty translated and written
plays. Selim and artist Saleh Reda were responsible for the scenery of those plays.

At the same Czech Center, Selim established an art gallery, which quickly became
the most important art gallery in Cairo for its high level, vitality, and popularity
among the veteran and young intellectuals. It became the meeting point of brilliant
artists. With an unprecedented determination, Selim held fine art cinema seasons;
the remarkable shows were accompanied by valuable explanations and discussions.
He also established the library of the Center and provided it with many important
references on the Czech and international art. Thus, Selim established his status as
a cultural engine from a rare example and received his intensive and sophisticated

Engaging in Politics:

Selim was involved in a tense battle with the security authorities and with the
office of the Minister of Culture then because he was asked to stop staging the "The
Memorandum or Ptydepe" play at the Czech Center, as its author was a Czech
writer, who later became a president. This play angered the Russian Embassy, which
intervened to stop the play after it had enjoyed a sweeping success. Selim found
himself in a difficult situation between the Ministry of Culture, the Intelligence and
the General Investigation Departments, which were pressing him to stop the play, and
his enlightening cultural role. The courageous director of the Center demonstrated
his solidarity with Selim. The public success of the play escalated for seventeen
consecutive days. The play included an intelligent conceptual criticism for the
separation of the political leadership from ordinary people and workers, and the lack
of communication between them, which angered and pushed the Russian Embassy
to bring pressure to stop the play.

Selim was surprised by the dismissal
of Director of the Czech Center, Joseph
Aurel, who, despite his many talents and
his Ph.D. in law, had to work as a poor
baker in his country as a punishment for
defying orders and continuing to stage
the play.

Since the mid-sixties, Selim became Violin and Cello Duet - Oil on Paper - 40X52 cm - 2007
an experienced politician at the level of
politics and the homeland on the one
hand, and the level of cultural policy on
the other hand, as well as the conflicts

(1)  At this time, Egypt was suffering from the lack of books on ancient, modern and contemporary art. Books
were cautiously circulated among colleagues for their scarcity. This library was an important opportunity
for artistic education and research, especially concerning the arts of modernity. The books were large and
professionally photographed in an unusual way at the time.

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