Page 193 - Ahmed Fouad Selim
P. 193
late artist Ahmed Fouad Selim is a significant landmark in the history of
the contemporary art movement in Egypt. He was a rebellious creator. His
works are strongly prominent in the panorama of the art movement. Through
his leading position, he promoted the anti-conventionalism intellectual
movement that has confidence in the currents of renewal and enlightenment
by his participation in writing, in dialogue and in organizing high-level
symposiums and conferences, with his exceptional experience of holding
distinguished exhibitions. The wonderful attributes of the great artist Ahmed
Fouad Selim, his culture, awareness, intellect, and creativity, made his name
among the elite that the Egyptian history will choose in the time to reflect the
best examples of artistic production.

The following pages feature glimpses of the life and art of Ahmed Fouad

Marks on the Way:

The early years of most people's lives are full of experiences and events; these
years are the years of the development of the personal attributes, orientations, and
biases. In those years lie the fundamentals of Selim's crystallized personality and his
ability to face long battles and attain considerable achievements in artistic creativity.
He embarked on, established and participated in projects that left important marks
in the Egyptian culture in the fields of plastic art, theatre, music, and writing, as well
as planned and launched initiatives, ensured tirelessly their achievement, traveled
to the major capitals and museums of art in the world. Furthermore, he organized
vibrant symposiums, musical and opera performances, and film and theatre events
at the Czech Cultural Center during his active administration in the sixties, and for
more than a quarter of a century of the history of the Center of Arts in Zamalek
since he founded it, as well as at the Museum of Egyptian Modern Art in its new and
advanced form. Considering his experiences, he became a central pillar in holding the
international biennales held in Egypt, and contributing to the Fine Arts Committee of
the Supreme Council of Culture and organizing exceptional events, where Egyptian
creations are displayed abroad.

Selim's early childhood between 1947 and 1949 experienced transformations and
destinies that influenced his future personality; he grew up in an ancient city from
which he learned poetry and from its special atmosphere he acquired the qualities of
dream and the longing for adventure.

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