Page 187 - Ahmed Fouad Selim
P. 187
ties show two journeys starting from the same beginnings, both are inspired by the
same sources; however, each has his own distinctive experience. The sixties was an
extension of the experimental revolutionary trend in varying subjects of expression
and ideological orientations, and the relevance of art to thought and comprehensive
culture, what was established by the progressive art groups: Art Publicity and Folk
Art headed by Habib Georgy, Art and Freedom Group, and Ganeh Al-Remal Group
headed by the poet Fouad and Henein, and the membership of Ramses Younan,
Fouad Kamel, and Kamel El-Telmesany, among other Egyptians and foreigners, in
addition to the Egyptian Modern Art Group headed by Hussein Youssef Amin, the
Modern Art Group led by Youssef El-Afifi, the Art and Life Group and the Full-time Art
Creativity Project led by Hamed Said, as well as the important traditional architecture
experience of architect Hassan Fathy.

In the sixties, the period addressed by Selim in this paragraph, the art movement
was successful and ambitious and dominated by the modern experimental tendency
from abstraction to the Egyptian heritage as a flexible reference to contemporary
creativity and Egyptian features of the socialist reality.
His Position on Modernity:

The experience of the 1960s of the artist Ahmed Fouad Selim is an expression
of the prediction of the artist "Fouad Kamel", who considered that the exhibition
of Contemporary Art 1956 and exhibition of Towards the Unknown 1959 are a

Oil on toile - 18X25 cm - 1997

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