Page 171 - Ahmed Fouad Selim
P. 171
events of art and thought, Center of
Arts in Zamalek.

The follower of Selim's artistic
experience and his cultural and
motivating role can read the fertility,
discovery, and the renewed experience in
understanding the visual language and its
rules, transformations and its rebellions,
sensing his literary and musical culture,
standing on his in-depth experiences in
technical aspects and reading his ability
to combine conscious basic knowledge
and his wise temperament; the follower
can know the effectiveness of his
childhood memories since the boyhood
environment in Damietta where the
fresh water meets saline water, and his Oil on various materials on canvas - 165 x 183 cm - 1996
feelings with the shaking of the etheric
colors that appear at the stained glass of
the sisters school. The follower can also view his early appreciation of the aesthetics
of beautiful handwriting, ethics of honesty, respecting time and caring for work, and
the recognition of the inherent capabilities acquired by the community of Damietta
and then Faiyum community, and by the legal concepts practiced at the Faculty of
Law. As Tawfiq Al-Hakim sees, the inspiration is "the companion of sincerity and
continuous hard work which is undoubtedly instilled by instinct and talent." Before
the viewer, Selim's recent artworks represent the tendency of modernization and the
radical rebellion in his plastic art and intellectual approach.

In his early youth, Selim composed poetry and wrote it in a thick elegant notebook
in beautiful line and artistic titles. From his studies in law at the Faculty of Law, Selim
gained qualities that added to his personality, attitudes, and accomplishments among

»» Looking for causality.

»» Facing problems with a rational approach sometimes, and with an emotional
impressive approach sometimes; he says about the first part of this equation: In
my life, I was always attached to truth and is still, defending it to death, and his
view of the second part he says: the problem is that the other wants only the
truth that protects the tyrant.

»» Perseverance and determination.

These two own quotes assure that Selim has two faces to deal with his peers
and those who deal with him. He loves in every sense of the word and devotes his
energies to those he loves, and he is rough with those he does not like or appreciate;
he is a romantic person with equal energy of love and anger. This has been reflected

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