Page 11 - cairo Beinnale 13
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ro Binnale 13th 2019 Eyes East Bound: Eight Years After
The Cairo Biennale resumes with its thirteenth edition, after eight years of frozen activities,
though which the entirety of the Middle East has lived –and survived— life-changing events
that shaped the geo-political spectrum dramatically. A much awaited-for resumption, as the
event has always enjoyed both a regional and an international presence of sorts.
Eyes East Bound is a starting point and an invitation for artists, who are also art explorers
and excavators to revisit the ancient as well as the modern Orient; a place that hosted the
birth of organized language, religion, state bureaucracy and armies. language, visual com-
munication, art and architecture. A past? Perhaps, and the invitation is extended to 80 artists
from around the globe to reinvestigate a region of the Orient, its cultures, its arts, its models
of thought, and as always, modern Egypt hosts such an encounter.
Eyes East Bound, and our eyes and hearts follow the visiting creators and their art production.

Mr. Ahmed Abd El-Fattah

Head of the Central Administration of Museums and Exhibitions

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