Page 211 - Features of an Era
P. 211
Canonica also enjoys a prominent
position among many aristocratic elite
figures and a number of European
royal courts. He was entrusted with the
execution of many statues of dignitaries
and creation of many monuments and
medals which were reason of being well
known worldwide.

Canonica taught sculpture in a number A bust of King Fouad in white marble, the late
of important Italian academies. He was twenties of the twentieth century, by Pietro Canonica.
a professor at Accademia di Belle Arti di The statue is currently in Pietro Canonica museum
Venezia (Academy of Fine Art in Venice)
in 1910. Then, he taught at Accademia di located in Villa Borghese gardens, Rome, Italy.
Belle Arti di Roma (Academy of Fine Art
in Rome) which was the same academy
where Mustafa Naguib studied in Italy. He
was among the first who were selected to
teach at the Royal Academy of Italy in
1929. He became a member of Accademia
Nazionale di San Luca (The National
Academy of Saint Luca) in 1930.

In 1937, Canonica was granted the

right to use the famousVilla Borghese after

restoration, renovation and decoration at

his own expense. It is one of the most

famous Italian buildings of the sixteenth

century owned by Rome, where it was

used as administrative offices until it was

closed in 1919 after it was exposed to fire

on part of it. Canonica had the right to

use the place as a residence and a studio

in exchange for his pledge to donate his

artworks to Rome after his death. King Fouad, a bronze reproduction of the bust of King

Among the acquisitions of Canonica Fouad, 63 x70 cm, by Pietro Canonica.

Museum, located in the gardens of

Villa Borghese, is a magnificent bust of

marble which embodies the figure of King Fouad in a manner that proves Canonica

remarkable proficiency. The statue is clearly visible at the end of a short documentary

film that was recorded in Canonica’s studio in 1949. It is one of the archives of

Archivio Storico Luce (Light Historical Archive) in Italy. A copy of it is presented

in the documentary material accompanying the exhibits in the current exhibition

space, showing that the statue mentioned is the marble origin of bronze reproduction

that is also included in the show.

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