Page 213 - Features of an Era
P. 213
Dr. Younan Labib Rizk republished most of what Al-Ahram newspaper recorded
about the stages of this project in his well-known documentary series «A Diwan
of Contemporary Life» where he commented on the events and circumstances
accompanied this project for more than ten years, since the idea was first emerged
in 1927 until the statue was unveiled in 1938. So, following this long story, we find
out that installing this statue in its place in Alexandria was so difficult(36). In 1927,
King Fouad visited Italy for which the Italian people held a big celebration. During
this, the Italian community in Egypt wanted to memorialize the occasion, thus the
Italian consul in Alexandria wrote to the Chief Secretary telling him that the Italian
community in the city would like to put up a monument to the visit of the King of Egypt
to King of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele. Following consultations between Abdeen Palace,
represented by Verrucci Bey, Chief Architect of the Royal Palaces, and Conte della
Croce, the Italian consul in Alexandria and after asking King Fouad for his opinion,
it was decided that the statue would be of Khedive Isma’il. The reason, as explained
by Al-Ahram, was that the man who was on the throne «had a strong tendency to
exalt the memory of his great father and show his feats as well.»(37) Moreover, Dr.
Younan Labib Rizk added another reason to this: the special relationship established
between Isma’il and Italy when Italian engineers and artists were widely employed
by Isma’il in the construction process in Cairo and Alexandria. Furthermore, after he
had been removed from power under British and French pressure, he chose Italy to
be his place of exile, where his children, including Fouad, received their education.
After the king’s return from his visit, Conte della Croce began to collect donations
from the Italian community in Alexandria. Within a few days, he collected 13000
pounds which seemed sufficient to commence carving the statue. Then he went to
his country and started taking measures to set up the statue and select the marble
required(38) Then, a state of apathy was shown towards the project; it seemed that
there was a need for more money. So, it was obliged to wait six years until another
royal occasion would arise. This time it was the visit of King Emanuele and the queen
of Italy to Egypt in early 1933 to return the visit of King Fouad. Al-Ahram stated
that Egypt warmly welcomed the royal family and that «the Italian community’s
interest in the statue project increased to the point that the journalists considered that
carrying out such project was a commemoration of the king’s visit to Egypt(39).»The
contributions campaign was renewed and this time all the Italians residing in
Alexandria participated and also a group of fascist organizations, composed of the
youth of the Italian community in Egypt during this period, provided the support
which led at the end to cover all the costs of the statue. It became clear what we
have mentioned before concerning the research gaps related to these projects which
even the writings by eminent historians had when we see one of the uncommon

(36)  See Labib Rizk, Younan. «A Diwan of Contemporary Life», (652), Fascist Celebration!!, the Italian
community in Alexandria collected 13000 pounds to erect a statue to Isma’il, Al-Ahram, issue no. 43676.

(37)  The King Unveils the Statue of His Grandfather Isma’il-Day of Isma’il the Great, Al-Ahram newspaper,
Monday, December 5th, 1938.

(38)  Ibid.

(39) Ibid.

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