Page 206 - Features of an Era
P. 206
The second detailed photograph Statue of King Fouad on horseback, the gypsum,
belongs to the collection of Mustafa by Mustafa Naguib, copy of the statue before
Naguib’s children, a picture of the final
statue after its completion. Its distinctive casting in bronze in 1951. Source: Archive of Dr.
angle shot reveals the precise details Hussein Naguib
which Naguib excelled in carving them,
creating one of the finest sculptures.

The third detailed photograph was
taken to the gypsum model of the statue
inside a workroom before casting the
final statue erected in Abdeen Square.
This picture belongs to the archive of the
late French historian Max Karkégi (-1930
2013), author of L’Egypte d’Antan (Egypt
in the Bygone Days), who witnessed in
his youth the erection of this statue before
migrating with his family to France.

A photograph of the prototype for the statue of King Fouad on horseback, an original twice life-size, by
Mustafa Naguib copy of the statue before casting. It was taken in the temporary studio made for the
construction of the statue. Source: Website of the late French historian Max Karkégi

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