Page 204 - Features of an Era
P. 204
ociation that Naguib rented to make
the prototype and final version of the

After almost a year, I knew that Karkégi
had passed away without correcting the
false information on his famous website.

This incident reveals the disastrous Sawt El-Fannan journal, the second year, Vol. 4,
consequences of not documenting many issue no. 20, December 1951, p. 15
works of Muhammad Ali dynasty, leaving
many gaps in the history of the Egyptian
modern art, which gave the opportunity
to the unspecialized researchers to rely
on fake accounts as a reference, which
led to successive serious mistakes in
documenting this era.

The National Archives of Egypt keeps
one of the Revolutionary Command
Council’s files on a lawsuit in connection
with the removal of the statue of King
Fouad. The file includes the decree on
the revocation of referral of some cases
to the Revolutionary Court: the statue of
King Fouad, the Mansouriya Bridge, and
the Hajjajah Canal. The file was dated
September 26th, 1953, and given the
code number 000029-0103.

The decree stipulated: «Order of the
Revolutionary Command Council on the
revocation of referral of some cases to
the Revolutionary Court.

Having examined article II of Order The decree on the revocation of referral of some
of the Revolutionary Command Council cases to the Revolutionary Court showing the case
issued on September 16th, 1953, on the
of the statue of King Fouad as Article I. Source:
The National Archives of Egypt
Revolutionary Court establishment and

proceedings, and article I of the Order of

the Revolutionary Command Council issued on September 17th, 1953, on the referral

of some cases to the Revolutionary Court, it is decided that:

Article I: The referral of the following cases to the Revolutionary Court shall be

1. The case of the statue of King Fouad, case no. 5 on the schedule of the Treachery
Prosecution, Judicial Year no. 1.

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