Page 202 - Features of an Era
P. 202
ortant patrons of fine arts. She was One of the articles written on the style of Huda
said to love collecting the masterpieces Sha’arawi’s house. Source: Al-Mussawar
of Islamic art, especially ceramics. She magazine, October 1936
even founded a factory in Rawd Al-
Farag for Islamic-style ceramics, some An excerpt of an article on Huda Sha’arawi’s
of which she occasionally displayed in memorial museum housing a selection from her
some international exhibitions. collection of the Arab art masterpieces. It was
published in Al-Mussawar magazine on December
Huda Sha’arawi was so fond of the
masterpieces of the Arab art; her house 15th, 1950.
was such a unique example of the
combination of Eastern Arts that some
researchers in oriental disciplines have
taken some items of her collection as
subjects for their lectures. Her house had
remained in its unique style at the end of
Qasr El-Nil Street until it was demolished
during the eighties of the last century.

For Huda Sha’arawi’s deep-rooted passion
for Arab art, the officials of the Egyptian
Women’s Union, which she established in
1923 and presided over until her death,
found that the best way to mark the third
anniversary of her departure was to create
a memorial museum, in collaboration with
the Ministry of Education. The museum
housed a selection of her Eastern collection
in two rooms at the Museum of Egyptian
Modern Art in Cairo.

This exhibition displays the two above-
mentioned items of her collection: a
mother-of-pearl inlaid wooden armchair
and wooden tiled table.

Huda Sha’arawi succeeded in
combining engagement in social and
charitable work serving the national
liberation of Egypt, and support of arts
and different artistic events. After the
death of Mahmoud Mukhtar in 1934, she
was at the forefront of those who called
for the preservation and collection of
his works of art for their protection from
loss. These efforts reached a successful
outcome; Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum

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