Page 96 - cairo Beinnale 13
P. 96
:‫عـرض بلا عـنوان‬ Cairo Binnale 13th 2019
‫مةلاسزأركاجعتديالةلثهبوهذاار‬،‫مدرَّيغسفميأجنممننييطألق‬،‫نكفقنرنعي�تنهطهففيذًايلالومعمرعموالشض‬،‫ ًمدواةإيممغينسانكبواهعلهعمان‬،‫الفنفاايللفآديكنوربلةمعفوداطعجرهيشتةرييولثنجودعريا‬،‫رةوليوك‬،‫لثأوينيقطتبافحلنسيصيثروورُمرانلعفطدوقةتيومأرغاوراففتكي‬،‫اثلهيرفواعتنو‬

.‫من قرني�ه‬

Performance without Title

is photo and video documentation of the act were I wanted to meet with the bull and to take
him by the horns, on beautifull sunny day. For that act I don’t have any rational or intellec-
tual explanation, idea was more intuitive and transcendental. As child with parents we were
agriculture land with bulls. I had bean stabed by the bull then couple of times, but now in
this performance 20 years after violence is absent from the performance, despite the fact
that I took bull by the horns.

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