Page 25 - cairo Beinnale 13
P. 25
ro Binnale 13th 2019 1994 1988
Modern Art Center, Mira Phalaina Space, The Indian Women, Cartier Foundation for
Montreuil, France. Contemporary Art, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
House of Arts and Recreation, Laon, France. Gérard Garouste, National Museum of
Recent Works, Mandet Museum, Riom, Modern Art, Centre Georges Pompidou, Par-
France. is, France.
Liliane & Michel Durand-Dessert Gallery, Goya museum, Castres, France.
Paris, France. Obalne Gallery, Piran, Yugoslavia.
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, the USA.
1993 Paintings, Ink, Gouaches, Indian Women,
Le Qohelet (Engravings), Art, Culture and Palace of Fine Arts, Charleroi, Belgium.
Faith, Saint-Séverin/Saint-Nicolat, Paris,
France. 1987
Out of the Calm, Liliane & Michel Du-
1992 rand-Dessert Gallery, Paris, France.
Zachęta Gallery, Warsaw, Poland. Paintings from 1985 to 1987, CAPC-Muse-
New Works 1987-1991, Hannover Art Asso- um of Contemporary Art, Bordeaux, France.
ciation, Hannover, Germany.
Recent works, Ernst Museum, Budapest, 1986
Hungary. The Debate of Heart and Body, Liliane
Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation, & Michel Durand-Dessert Gallery, Paris,
Vienna, Austria. France.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Montreal,
1991 Canada.
Ecclesiastes and Isaiah, a series on the Old
Testament (gouaches), Arts Space, Chalon- 1985
sur-Saône, France. Leo Gallery, New York, the USA.
Liliane & Michel Durand-Dessert Gallery,
Paris, France. 1984
Recent Works, Belvedere, Prague Castle, Castelli Gallery, Hans Strelow Gallery, Dus-
Czech Republic. seldorf, Germany.
Cleto Polcina Gallery (in collaboration with
1990 Gian Enzo Sperone), Rome, Italy.
Gérard Garouste, the Indian Women, Tokyo The Fifth Season, Bourbon-Lancy Municipal
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan. Museum, Bourbon-Lancy, France.
Gérard Garouste, the Indian Women, San- Nature Against-Nature, Liliane & Michel
ta Monica Museum of Art, Los Angeles, the Durand-Dessert Gallery, Paris, France.
1989 Paintings and Drawings, Leo Castelli Gal-
Painting-Drawing, Municipal Art Hall, Düs- lery, New York, the USA.
seldorf, Germany. Paintings and Drawings, Sperone Westwater
New Pictures, Rudolf Zwirner Gallery, Co- Gallery, New York, the USA.
logne, Germany.
The Indian Women 1987-1989, Rudolf 1982
Zwirner Gallery, Cologne, Germany. The Enigma of the Canis Major, the Civic
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, the Nether- Museum of Contemporary Art, Gibellina,
lands. Italy.
The Indian “Hero or Idiot”, Liliane & Michel
Durand-Dessert Gallery, Paris, France.

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