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Gerard Garouste France

Born in 1946 in Paris, Gérard Garouste lives and works in Paris and Normandy. He is one
of the leading figures in French art. As both painter and sculptor, he is obsessed by the
origins of our culture, myths and the legacy left us by the old masters. His own life is the
springboard for his work on ‘dismantling images and words’ and his fascination with the
questions of origins, time and transmission. His paintings are born of associations of ideas.
Now unsettling, now joyful, they teem with animals, some of them fantastical, and a cast
of different characters. His sources range from the Bible to popular culture and literary
greats, from Cervantes to Rabelais.

Solo Exhibitions (Selection)

Cairo Binnale 13th 2019 2019 2010
Gérard Garouste and the School of the Gérard Garouste and the Children of La
Prophets, Place of Memory, Chambon-sur- Source, Museum of Louviers, Louviers,
Lignon, France. France.
Realization of a set of bronze monumental
2018 sculptures and of ceramic frescoes for the
Diana and Actaeon, Museum of Hunting rehabilitation of the 23 University St., Paris
and Nature, Paris, France. VII, France.
Zeugma, Great Humorous Artwork, Nation- Gérard Garouste Retrospective, Villa Medi-
al School of Fine Arts, Paris, France. cis, Academy of France, Rome, Italy.
Zeugma, Templon Gallery, Paris, France.
2017 La Dive Bacbuc and Don Quichotte, Media
The Garouste, Family Plot, Postman Chev- Library, Argentan, France.
al’s Ideal Palace, Hauterive Castle, France. The Murex and the Spider, Hôtel de Ville,
Aubusson, France.
2016 In the Eye of the Critic-Bernard Lamarche-
At the Crossroads, Museum of Fine Arts in Vadel and the Artists, Paris Museum of Mod-
Mons (BAM), Mons, Belgium. ern Art, Paris, France.
Sevres Outdoors, City of Ceramics, Sevres,
France. 2008
Microspective Gérard Garouste, Mairie de
2015 Lille, Lille, France.
On the Way, Maeght Foundation, Saint Paul Burgundy, Family and Warm Water, Tem-
de Vence, France. plon Gallery, Paris, France.
Obsession, Maison Particulière Gallery,
Brussels, Belgium. 2006
The Donkey and the Fig, Templon Gallery,
2014 Paris, France.
Ineffable Tales, Templon Gallery, Paris, The Blind Booksellers, Mudima Foundation,
France. Milan, Italy.

2011 2005
Walpurgis Night’s Dream, Templon Gallery, Holy Ellipses, Pantheon, Paris, France.
Paris, France.
Gérard Garouste + La Source, Carré Sainte-Anne
and Saint-Ravy Gallery, Montpellier, France.

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