Page 23 - cairo Beinnale 13
P. 23
ro Binnale 13th 2019 2004 um of Fine Arts, Santiago, Chile.
Portraits, Templon Gallery, Paris, France. The Classic and the Indians, Recoleta Cul-
tural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2003 The Apocryphal Quixote, Le Rectangle Gal-
Holy Ellipses, Autumn Festival, Saint-Louis lery, Lyon, France.
Chapel of the Salpêtrière, Paris, France.
2002 Engravings by Gérard Garouste, L’arto-
Kezive the Lie City, Templon Gallery, Paris, thèque de Vitré Gallery, Vitré; Jacques Du-
France. hamel Cultural Center, Vitré, France.
Gérard Garouste, La Dive Bacbuc, La Dive Bacbuc, COPRIM Foundation, Par-
Saint-Denis Festival, Saint-Denis, France. is, France.
Chapel of the Carmelites, Toulouse, France. Gérard Garouste, Paintings and Engravings,
Museum of Art and History of Saint-Denis, Galerie de l’Ancien Collège, Châtellerault,
Saint-Denis, France. France.
Gérard Garouste, Castle of Sédières, Cler- Don Quichotte, gouaches, Ixelles Museum,
goux, France. Brussels, Belgium.

2001 1997
Gérard Garouste, the Haggada and En- Engravings 1989-1996, Center of Contem-
graved Works, Museum of Art and History porary Art/Passages, Troyes, France.
of Judaism, Paris, France. Rachi Space, Paris, France.
Gérard Garouste, Pau Museum of Fine Arts, Salle de la Dragonne, Saint-Juire-Champgil-
Pau, France. lon, France.
Gérard Garouste, Evreux Museum, Old The Indian Women and Recent Works, Salle
Bishopric, Evreux, France. Saint-Pierre and Salle de la Fabrique, Aval-
Gérard Garouste, Tourcoing Museum of lon, France.
Fine Arts, Tourcoing, France. Engraving by Gérard Garouste, Château
Gérard Garouste, Saint-Roch Hospice Mu- prieural, Monsempron, France.
seum, Issoudin, France. Talla Rosée, Valencia Museum of Fine Arts,
Ellipse, Cartier Foundation for Contempo- Valencia, Spain.
rary Art, Paris, France. G. Garouste, paintings, work on paper, the
Gérard Garouste, Retrospective 1979-1991, Commanderie Van St. Jan Museum, Nijme-
Liliane Gallery & Michel Durand-Dessert, gen, the Netherlands.
Paris, France.
2000 St. Andrew’s Abbey (with Élisabeth Garouste
Cervantes, Don Quichotte, Garouste at La and Mattia Bonetti), Meymac, France.
Fontaine, Jean-de-La-Fontaine Museum, The Cordeliers Convent, La Cassine, France.
Château-Thierry, France. Talla Rosée, Liliane & Michel Durand-Des-
Don Quichotte, Correspondences: Coypel, sert Gallery, Paris, France.
Natoire, Garouste, Château de Compiègne New Lithographs and Original Engravings,
National Museum, Compiègne, France. Fall Gallery, Paris, France.

1999 1995
The Apocryphal Quichotte, Liliane & Michel Raab Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
Durand-Dessert Gallery, Paris, France. Raab Gallery, London, the UK.
The Classic and the Indians, National Muse- Patrick Martin Gallery, Lyon, France.

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