Page 216 - cairo Beinnale 13
P. 216
لدواكتتجبازعءجرمتهقوطماررمينبق‬،‫بيع�كياةًدن)ا وجعكدنذاليلمينكزعيلمع‬،‫ردايودخحيييالتعلهصبىاالدنراضفساتبةخفلنناشهكراببنيانلتجسغاافجمكافيضن لة(اهللأتنم َهجماكراسةنكاًنلكاثسيو ًيرعاامممًيالةي اولسأحايوفارًرةوب‬،‫جذاعاالطرطيشرأقي تجقا‬،‫يتاشعرتيحبرخننهععالرئبلىيتنهي‬

‫قهوموتنزلماذابحنن�ياظأءصتسبالدمحبوشممكيخلبتالو ًفتال‬،‫ىمومبامقلااتاطعلاعيتشفيإهلناجممدنفويظرنوافولينشنهيفارنفجيسمزاالمايون‬،‫نسابوعمعدعفتقتنويطاسلميرعنحلشسةبدكعبلةو اىمليبطضورفلاقفتيفمنمإهحغرالفباينظق نةجهتارعلبكيىنحفجته‬1‫لم‬9‫ىدا‬5‫تق‬8‫م لح‬،‫تفجيماد ًعمااي‬

‫شيافالفشةيسالدفميووددجيالوودة“صأغعيلصربةى احولبيوماطبرياينقتمتجشددفغلقي‬،‫مبنعياإنلمىتاااتللوت ّرثفيقكفيايلرةف‬،‫االملمأياسخهردوواًىدلاالإستلىديوانلدأابشلمأدو”تجتوفديدعةزبوماااللنتيت�شاابمثعشلمةتالنأمثمويرجصتووددلرةيالدعنلاهلىركاإهللريىباسءساردعباللموىمشايلابمهوجدتلي‬

‫الضخمة مساحات‬ ‫ شهد إنشاء هذه البحيرة‬- )‫بينج (سد بوميبول‬ ‫رشحالاسعتةبمحرنيةغابماحلت ايلفيسااجل اخلزاتين ُاغلملارحتقباللمنيهاره‬
‫لإطلاق كمية هائلة‬ ‫ كانت هناك ضرورة ملحة‬2011 ‫ وفي عام‬،‫إلى الأبد‬

‫ مما أدى إلى فيضانات مدمرة في وسط تايلاند‬،‫من المياه من خلال السد وذلك يرجع إلى وجود العواصف الاستوائي�ة‬

.‫ وأدى سوء الإدارة البشرية هذا إلى كارثة مياه لا تنسى في تايلاند‬،‫وبانكوك‬

The Ping River is a historic route for teakwood exports (Siamese-European trade) and also an Cairo Binnale 13th 2019
important part of my family’s history. My grandparents lived along the Ping River. It was their
hometown, their work and their life. My maternal grandfather once was a cargo boat trader
on this route. His life was mysterious to us, since he often traveled away from home. I have
followed my grandfather’s route, until only upstream from the Bhumibol Dam in the Tak,
until Lamphun and Chiang Mai provinces. However, since the Bhumibol Dam was built in
1958 as well as the expansion of the road network, the Ping river was blocked. Hence, the
river-scape in his time and mine are completely different. The journey along, and on, the
Ping River helped me to understand what my grandfather had experienced; at the same time
I could observe other issues that have arisen in my time – such as the impact of electricity
generation on rural communities.
In My Grandpa’s Route has been forever blocked, the screen on the left invites viewers to
reflect on small weirs, floodgates, and dikes lying sequentially from the source of the river
to the Bhumibol Dam. While the screen on the right documents a local cruise operator on
the subsequent reservoir of Ping River (Bhumibol Dam) – the creation of this huge lake saw
a vast stretch of teak forest submerged under water forever.
In 2011, an enormous amount of water was released from the dam (compounded by the
urgency of tropical storms), which resulted in devastating floods in central Thailand, and
Bangkok. This human mismanagement was an unforgettable water disaster in Thailand.

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