Page 262 - Features of an Era
P. 262
This exceptional exhibition has an importance not only for being the first-ever
show which features a selection of unique art works, not just for being a display
which combines great history and valuable creations, but also for having a real value
which lies in being a special opportunity to contemplate again a significant historical
era from unusual angles. One of these angles comes to the forefront is reviewing this
era through the features of those who represent. These features include biographies,
human stories, the mutual influence among some of these figures and the relation of
this with the context of the era, its cultural and social characteristics and its distinctive
stages full of events and conflicts which the history has recorded for us.

Perhaps it is the first time we meditate an important chapter in our modern Egyptian
history from the creative point of view. A selected group of works of tremendous
historical artistic value is collected to give broad audiences the chance to contemplate,
research, and develop the aesthetic sense at the same time. So, such exhibition
represents a real chance for artists, critics, historians, students and researchers in the
fields of history, art and political science to interact with extremely rich visual and
knowledge material.

Very briefly, we are before a show which goes beyond an ordinary exhibition which
is based on history and in-depth research into our past in the context of rediscovering
our art treasures which are unknown.

Ms. Dahlia Moustafa
Head of Central Administration for Centers of Arts

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