Page 230 - Features of an Era
P. 230
dowments) and then Ministry of

Public Works (presently Ministry of

Water Resources and Irrigation), where

he gained considerable experience in

the structural aspects. He also managed

the Ministry of Interior for a while.

After that he was appointed to manage

Ministry of War (presently Ministry of

Defense and Military Production). One

of the established good deeds in Hussein

Kamel’s biography is his important role

in saving most of the areas of Misr Al-

’Atiqa neighborhood (presently Misr Al-

Qadima, Old Cairo) from drowning in

1876 because of the high flood level of

the Nile; he established a telegraph unit

in his own room to follow the processes

of strengthening and constructing bridges The title «Abul Fellah» is mentioned in the
to avoid the disaster. context of some of what was published about
Sultan Hussein Kamel in May 1930 during the
After Urabi revolt, Hussein Kamel commemoration of his thirteenth anniversary.

directed his activity towards agriculture,

renting lands from state properties

commission, known as the Domain Authority. He made a great effort to reclaim

many of the lands. It was his own idea to exchange the salaries of Muhammad Ali’s

family with lands from this authority.

Hussein Kamel was also an instrumental
figure in the establishment of the
Agricultural Society. It was an agricultural
company at first from which the idea of
Ministry of Agriculture was born. His good
deeds in this context are that he carried
out the tasks of his land personally, and he
mixed with the farmers to the extent that
led to have the title Abul Fellah.

The palace of Sultan Hussein Kamel A picture of Sultan Hussein Kamel, which was
was distinguished by its elegant Islamic circulated by several Egyptian newspapers in
style; it is the palace that known as the October 1948, riding a donkey, inspects personally
palace of Sultana Melek, according to
Melek Tourhan (1956-1869) his second his farms in Gabares
wife after his wife Princess Ayn Al-Hayat.
The palace still exists until now; it is close
to the famous Baron Palace in the suburb
of Misr El-Gedida.

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