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Maha George Mikhael Georgy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Maha George
Birth date : 8/11/1968
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email : mahageorge2000@yahoo.com

- BA of Art Education, Helwan University 1991 .
- MA in Art Education, Painting 1997 .
- PhD in Art Education 2002 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists .
- Assistant instructor in Faculty of Art Education, Painting department , Helwan University .
- Instructor in Faculty of Art Education, Painting department, Helwan University .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Solo shows
- At Cairo Atelier 1999 .
- In Tanta , Mahla Al-Kobra 2001 .
- At Town House gallery 2002 .
- At Alexandria Atelier 2003 .
- In Germany 2004 .
- At`Engy Aflatoun ` gallery in Cairo Atelier , November 2006
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many exhibitions of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sports 1990-1991 .
- 4th Youth Salon 1992 .
- Collective exhibition of Youth artists in Alexandria 1994 .
- 6th Youth Salon 1994 .
- 24th National exhibition of Fine arts 1995 .
- 7th Youth Salon 1995 .
- Exhibition parallel to Cairo International Book Fair 1995 .
- The memoral exhibition of Fine Arts 1999 .
- Exhibition of the National association of Fine arts 1999
- 11th Youth Salon 1999
- 3rd and 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999,2000
- Exhibition of 100 Egyptian artist in occasion of Woman Global Day 2000
- The Annual exhibition of association of Coptic heritage lovers - Al-Hanager gallery 2002 .
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003 .
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Woman creations - Geizira Arts Center 2004 .
- Exhibition` Bride` at Karma Ibn Hanee Cultural Center , Ahmed Shawky museum , January 2007
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine art Fair) 2007.
- 2nd Festival of Fine creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
International exhibitions
- Open studio in America 1998 .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian art - Finland 2005 .
- 2nd International Book Fancy Biennale - Alexandria Library 2005 .
- Scholarship from UNESCO - America 1998 .
- Scholarship from Luxor studios .
- Art settlement in Calliforinea State - America 2006 .
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon, Part I, prepared by Prof/ Sobhy Al-Sharouny 1994, produced by Fine Arts Sector .
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , Part II, prepared by Critic/ Mohamed Hamza 2002, produced by Fine Arts Sector .
Local recognition
- Prize in Painting from the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1990 .
- 3rd prize in Drawing , 7th Youth Salon 1995 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, England, America , Germany .
State collection
- The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth .
- Ministry of Culture - Cairo .
- Al-Ahram newspaper .
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