Due to its unique geographical position in Cairo’s southern district of Helwan, the May 15 Centre of Contemporary Art plays a central role in the enhancement of intellectual, cultural and artistic activities in the area. Further, the properly-equipped Centre, which was opened on December 11, is considered as a bridge between dynamic cultural and artistic life in the capital on the one hand and its sprawling communities on the other. It has workshops and studios (graphics-sculpture-ceramics-drawing, painting, textile and tapestry, glasswork, carpentry, etc.), which encourage youth talents and art admirers to come forward and experiment with applied art, its aesthetics and functionality. The facility also organises seminars, cultural soirees, conferences. It has a cinema hall. Moreover, the opening of the Club of Information Technology has given art students and scholars a good opportunity to make the best use of the revolution technology, such as the Internet and multi media for reasonable fees