Page 182 - A Selection Of European Art
P. 182
Today, Egypt is proud and raises its Paul Gauguin «French», 1848 / 1903, Scene from
head high before the world, with its Dominique, Oil on canvas, 47x 60 cm.
extraordinary treasures, not only the
Pharaonic, Roman, Coptic, and Islamic Alfred Sisely «French», 1839 / 1899, Rustic life in
ones that are a symbol of the heritage of the end of May, Oil on canvas, 54.5x 73 cm.
human civilization until now, but also the
museums’ eighteenth-and-nineteenth- Marcel-Clément «French», 1873-......, A Crowd in
century European treasures created by a Square, Oil on canvas, 35x 27 cm, 1921.
the world artists. Among these treasures
is the rare collection unrivalled in the
Middle East incorporating paintings by
Eugène Delacroix, Honoré Daumier,
Jean-François Millet, Gustave Courbet,
Camille Corot, Camille Pissarro, Alfred
Sisley, Auguste Rodin, Claude Monet,
Édouard Manet, Paul Gauguin, Edgar
Degas, Marcel-Clément, Annibale
Scognamiglio, Émile Lévy, and Eugène
Boudin, and statues by Antoine Louis
Barry, Auguste Rodin, and Louis Dideron.
In addition to these artworks are
landscapes belonging to the “Flemish”
and “Italian” classic schools, and many
allegorical or mythological themes. After
reopening, the Center of Arts “Aisha
Fahmy Palace” celebrates by displaying
this valuable collection.

The visitor of Treasures of Our Art
Museums 5, A Selection of European Art,
will notice that many of the displayed
paintings portray scenes of ancient myths
resembling what happens on stage. The
dreamy and beautiful movements and
gatherings within a “landscape”, which
suited the taste of the aristocracy. In all
cases, artists in such paintings focused
on scenes of fields, forests, and the
outstretched sky in a romantic atmosphere.
This kind of art was characterized by a
sensual and sentimental nature, despite
its lack of a prestigious heroic character;

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