Page 180 - A Selection Of European Art
P. 180
dinand Victor Eugène Delacroix «French», 1798 / 1863, Hercules & Antee, Oil on canvas, 35x 41 cm.

Other art styles occupied a distinguished place among the museums’ nineteenth-
century European art collection, including “Romanticism” and “Realism”. An example
of this is the relatively large number of artists’ paintings belonging to these two styles.
Among the creations of the renowned romantic painter Eugène Delacroix (1863-1798)
are paintings that portrayed human feelings full of brilliant colors. Most of his themes
depicted historical events that turned into artistic imagery and human meanings by
his great imagination and shapes characterized by contrasting movements and bold
brushstrokes amid exquisitely colorful landscapes. Moreover, the large collection of
paintings by the French artist Honoré Daumier (1879-1808) indicates the admiration
of acquisitions’ owners for this kind of “realistic” painting with its social content, the
leading figures from ordinary people, and the artistic subjects inspired by the everyday
life in a way expressing moral and humane intentions. The viewer of Daumier’s
paintings can notice the shades portraying the partial and secondary details, and the
distribution of the unexpected tones here and there, which makes him recognize the
places reflecting an atmosphere of conservatism and secrecy. The other ones evoke
the loudest yells, so he responds and interacts vigorously with the subjects of the
masterly paintings. He also can realize the lines as they turn in a wild movement
and the light as it moves towards the shadows in a contrasting or gradual manner.
The shadow in these paintings is saturated, warm, and unexpectedly established.

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