Page 181 - Ahmed Ragab Sakr
P. 181
ue no less important than the value of
other achieved and existing plastic val-
ues. Also appeared uniquely in the artist's
paintings some words with meanings,
connotations and emotional and epic en-
ergies, such as words like: passion, long-
ing, conscience, peace, tenderness, per-
fume, adoration, spirit, touch, eagerness,
sweetness, love, melting, enthusiasm, eu-
phoria, determination, heroism, and other
words that the artist sought to create an
expressive approach that combines in
some way or another the significance of
the word or the content and concept of
the text with what distinguishes the char-
acters of each of those paintings, charac-
terizing with some certain features.

Viewing major vocabularies and symbols
in the artist's paintings, the eye drawings,
floral depictions, bird shapes and repeti-
tive motifs created by Sakr and became
distinctive for most of his artworks, stand
out in the forefront, advancing on many
other elements that we may see or find
presented in some of his works such as
stars, triangles and linear intersections
that vary in sizes and forms.

The artist technical expertise and his abil-
ity to create a lot of technical solutions

Mixed technique on toile, 42×42cm .

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