Page 190 - Features of an Era
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bic Bibliography:

11. Mongy, Yasser: Sculptor Mustafa Naguib: the Biography of a Teacher on the Walls
of Alienation, the General Authority for Cultural Palaces, Cairo, 2014.

22. El-Mallakh, Kamal and Iskandar, Rushdy: Fifty Years of Art, Dar El-Ma’aref, Cairo,

33. Al-Jabakhanji, Muhammad Sidqi: History of the Artistic Movement in Egypt until
1945, the Egyptian General Book Organization, Cairo, 1986.

44. Dunqul, Amal: The Complete Works, Dar El-Shorouk,Cairo, 2010.

55. Documentation and Archival Materials:

66. The National Archives of Egypt: correspondence was dated May 4th, 1951, the
archive code 0001-020505-0069.

77. The National Archives of Egypt: the file of the original documents of His Majesty
the King’s Diwan, report of holding the celebrations on the occasion of unveiling
the statue of Khedive Isma’il, the file dates back to December 4th, 1938, the
archive code 002057-0071.

88. The National Archives of Egypt: the original correspondence of the Royal Palace,
the fifth anniversary of the death of Khedive Isma’il, a statue was to be erected in
Khedive Isma’il Square (later Tahrir Square), the letters were dated from February
28th, 1945 to March 12th, 1946, files of the Council of Ministers’ documents
preserved in the National Archives of Egypt, provenance number 2/35-72, the
archive code 031905-0081.

99. The National Archives of Egypt: Revolutionary Command Council’s files, the
decree on the revocation of referral of some cases to the Revolutionary Court:
the statue of King Fouad, the Mansouriya Bridge, and the Hajjajah Canal. The file
was dated September 26th, 1953, the archive code 000029-0103.

1010 The National Archives of Egypt: papers of Mustafa Naguib Mahmoud mission
to study fine arts in Paris, dated October 16th, 1930, the archive code -4031
018335, provenance number 8013.

1111 The National Archives of Egypt: papers of Mustafa Naguib Mahmoud mission
to specialize in sculpture in Italy, dated October 16th, 1930, the archive code

Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals:

11. Mongy,Yasser: Rediscovering the Sculptures of the Palace of Baron Empain, Zakerat
Misr (Memory of Egypt) magazine, issue no. 35, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina,
October 2018.

22. Mongy, Yasser: The Egyptian Art Museums: The Historical Transformations and
Documentation Problems, Museum Booklets Series, issue no. 9, the Egyptian
National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM Egypt),

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