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Adel Abdel-Hafeez Abdel-Wahab Haroon
Personal Data
Fame Name : Adel Haroon
Birth date : 30/1/1968
Activities : Sculpture
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- BA in art education - Stereo Composition Section 1990.
- Master of art education - 1997.
- Specialized studies in the technology and restoring of porcelain at Ceramic Art Institute in Vainsa - Italy.
- Ph.D. in Philosophy in Art Education at the University of Helwan - 2004.
- Member of the Fine Artists Association.
- Member of staff teachers at the Faculty of Art Education 1990.
- Teacher at the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1997.
Places of interest
- Giza
Solo shows
- Exhibition in Vainsa City in Italy 2001 - 2003.
- Exhibition in the Egyptian Cultural Center in Rome Italy 2002.
- Exhibition in Verona City in Italy 2004.
Local exhibitions
- Participated in several exhibitions of public and private.
- Youth Salon III 1991 - IV 1992 - V 1993 - VI 1994 - VII 1995 - 8th 1996 - 9th 1997 - 10th 1998 .
- The National Art Exhibition session (23) 1993 - (24) 1995 - session (26) 1999.
- The Avant-garde Exhibition by Art Lovers Society.
- The First Form Through Light Art Exhibition at the Arts Palace November 2004.
- Salon Stares exhibition in Cairo Atelier - 2004.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition - 2005.
International exhibitions
- Eighth Arab Youth Festival 1993 in Lebanon.
- The second - third and fourth Cairo International Biennale for Ceramics 1994 - 1996- 1998.
- Exhibition of Kon Vigora City in Erfurt - Germany - 1995.
- Egyptian Cultural Week in Sharjah - United Arab Emirates 2000.
- Pottery Symposium at the Arts Academy in Rome - Italy 2000.
- Exhibition of Egyptian Ceramic panorama in Bibliotheca Alexandrina - 2005.
- Foreign mission to study Ph.D. Vainsa Italy, 1999: 2003.
Local and international Who's Who
- The Youth Salon Encyclopedia - First Edition - by Dr. Sobhy al-Sharoony - Sector of Fine Arts Publication - 1994.
- The Youth Salon Encyclopedia - Second Edition - by critic Mohammed Hamza - Sector of Fine Arts Publication - 2002.
Publications and activities
- Ceramics workshop (the First Pottery Symposium in Qena) - 1999.
- Ceramics workshop in Khzavi Hotel - Riyadh - Saudi Arabia - 2004.
Local recognition
- Encouraging award for ceramics from the third - fourth Youth Salon - in 1991 - 1992.
- Second prize for ceramics from the sixth Youth Salon - 1994 - (shared with Osama Zaghloul).
- Aida Abdul Karim Award for sculptured porcelain in the Society of Lovers of Fine Arts.
- First award for ceramics in the 8th Youth Salon - 1996.
- Salon award for ceramics from the 9th Youth Salon 1997.
International recognition
- Youth award of the 2nd Cairo International Biennale for Ceramics - 1994.
- Jury award in the Fourth Cairo International Biennale for Ceramics - 1998.
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- The Ministry of Culture.
- Porcelain Art Institute - Vainsa Italy.
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