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Aliya Abdel Hady
Personal Data
Birth date : //1943
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Decor
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- From 1995:1998 Head of Interior design department, Alberta University , Amman - Jordan
- From 1998:2000 Dean of Faculty of Arts - Alberta University - Amman, Jordan
- From 2001:2003 Deputy of Faculty of Fine arts of High studies and researches, Helwan University
- From 2002:2006 Head of Decor section and Head of Woman Committee in Syndicate of Fine artists.
- Freelance professor in Decor department, Faculty of Fine arts, Helwan University
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many exhibitions in Cairo from 1966:2006
- Exhibition(Egyptian artists) at Prince Taz palace, April 2008
International exhibitions
- Participated in many exhibitions in Jordan, Italy, Spain, France, Russia from 1966:2006
- Member of the Scientific association of Environement and Human studies (IAPS) and board member between 2006,2010
State collection
- Museum of Faculty of Fine arts - Cairo
- The Jordan National museum of Fine arts
- Alberta University - Jordan
- The Arab Egyptian land Bank in Amman - Jordan
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