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Mohamed Nabil Shehata Mohamed Mahmoud
Personal Data
Birth date : 17/6/1979
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Photography
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- BA of Faculty of Commerce - Zagazig University 2003
- Excellent in Inerior engineering from the Social development and the General service center - Ain Shams University 2008
- Assistant of Finanace manager , Animation designer, Inetrior designer , Decor
- Executive assistance of Vice- Chairman
Places of interest
- Cairo
Solo shows
- In Calden gallery - Camberdige
- Exhibition ` Flower of desert` on Internet
- Exhibition ` Art in City` on Internet
Local exhibitions
- Participated in exhibition ` Flower of desert` on Internet
- Exhibition `Art in City` on Internet
- Youth Salon at Arts Palace, Opera
- Exhibition of the third melinium of Arts - The General authority of Culture palaces - Luxor
- Spring festival - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2008
- Portrait exhibition
- Exhibition ( Colored creations - The Foreign Cultural relations) at the Egyptian center of the International Cultural co-operation (The Foreign diplomats) gallery 2008
- Exhibition ` Photogarphy vision` at the Russian Center of Culture and Science 2008
- Exhibition `Camera and artist` of artists of the Egyptian association of Photography at Rateb Sedek gallery in Cairo Atelier, June 2009
- Exhibition `The 4th meeting of Photogarphy` at Alexandria Atelier, June 2009
International exhibitions
- Exhibition `Interior noise` in Calden gallery , Camberdige
Publications and activities
- Workshop at Mahmoud Mukhtar museum of Youth Salon
Local recognition
- 2nd position ` Silver medal and Certificate of Merit` , Reading of all competition - Child Culture palace - Ministry of Culture
- Certificate of Merit from Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy, Spring festival 2008
- Certificate of Merit (Colored creations - the Foreign Cultural relations) at the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural cooperation (The Foreign diplomats) 2008
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition `Photography vision` - The Russian Center of Culture and Science 2008
Private collection
- at art lovers in Egypt, Slovania
State collection
- Ministry of Culture, The Cultural production Sector
- تتميز أعمال كاريل حمصى بالنزعة التعبيرية والوحشية التى دائما ما يهتم بها الفنان فى التعبير عن مشاعره الداخلية عن طريق تحريف الأشكال والتأكيد على اللون ، وبذلك صارت اللوحة رمزية تحمل تجارب شخصية وذهنية ، كما تتميز بالحشد الكبير لعناصر اللوحة والذبذبة العالية للخطوط والألوان التى تعطى إحساسا كبيرا بالحركة المستمرة.
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