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Ali Said Said Ahmed Abu Al-Magd
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ali Abu Al-Magd
Birth date : 11/9/1950
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Batik

- BA of Faculty of Art Education 1973 .
- MA of Philosophy in Art Education `Textile Section` .
- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education `Textile Section` .
- Member of League of Art Education Alumni .
- Member of Teachers Syndicate .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Teaching in Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University .
- Teaching in Faculty of Education - Department of Art Education - Menia University
- Teaching in Teachers Faculty - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .
- Instructor in Faculty of Art Education - Art works and Folklore Department - Helwan University .
Solo shows
- At Saad Zaghloul Center in Biet Al-Umma Museum 5/11/2007 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition (Integration between Egypt and Sudan` 1975 .
- participated in a lot of Artistic exhibitions like exhibition of Monuments and Hertiage 1996 .
- Teaching in some courses related to the Social Affairs .
- Teaching in courses of preparation Alumni in Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University .
- Teaching in some courses related to the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth .
Publications and activities
- Has some Artistic articles in newspapers in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .
- Participated in the Scientific Conferences ` The Scientific Research` .
Local recognition
- 3rd prize for exhibition ` Integration between Egypt and Sudan` 1975 .
Private collection
- At art lovers .
State collection
- Ministry of Culture - Cairo .
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