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Curriculum Vitae
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Hamdi Ahmed Aqada Mohamed
Personal Data
Birth date : 1/10/1982
Place of birth : Sohag
Activities : Sculpture

- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University .
Local exhibitions
- Competition of Helwan University of Fine Arts of the Specific faculties 2002,2003,2004,2005 .
- Exhibition ( Sculpture expressions) in Horus Gallery - Faculty of Art Education 2002 .
- Competition (Rateb Sedeq) Cairo Atelier 2003, 2005 .
- Meeting of Youth Universities in Asuit and Mansoura 2003, 2005 .
- The National Competition of Fine Arts ` Faculty of Political Science and Economy` Cairo University 2004 .
Publications and activities
- Children workshop of Sculpture on Sands in Alexandria related to the Supreme Council of Monuments 2005 .
Local recognition
- 1st Position - Helwan University of Fine Arts 2003 .
- Certificate of Merit from the Supreme Council of Monuments .
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