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Mohsen Mohamed Saleh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohsen Saleh
Birth date : 13/3/1946
Place of birth : Al-Daqahalia
Activities : Ceremics
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- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Ceramics Section 1968
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 1477/71 - Ceramics
- Member of the Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers 2436 - Ceramics
- Member of Teachers Syndicate 3164
- Teacher of Art Education in Al-Daqahalia
- First guide of Art Education in Al-Daqahalia
- Supervisor of Fine Arts
- Programmers guide in the Pioneers Administration in Mansoura
Places of interest
- Cairo ( Al-Abassia - Shoubra)
- Al-Daqahalia ( Mansoura - Al-Senbalwien)
- Saudi Arabia( Al-Madina Al-Mounora - Barida - Al-Quisem)
Solo shows
- Exhibition in Teachers Club 1976
- Exhibition in Mansoura Culture Palace 1978
- Exhibition in Al-Senbalwien Culture House 1978
- Exhibition in the Social Club in Mansoura Stadium 1990
- Exhibition in Al-Qusiem - Saudi Arabia 1995
- Exhibition in Dar Ibn Loqman - Mansoura National Museum 9/6/2001
Local exhibitions
- All sessions of Al-Daqahalia Salon
- All exhibitions of the National feast of Al-Daqahalia from 1968 till now
- Exhibition ( Cairo in Artists eyes)
- Exhibition ( The Desert and the new element)
- Cairo Salon 1977
- Exhibition of Al-Senbalwien artists 1982
- The General Exhibition of Fine Artists in all its sessions till 1988
- Daqahalia Salon in Mansoura 2007
- Exhibition `Selections from Daqahalia Salon at the Circle gallery - Cairo , April 2007
-Exhibition ` Selections from Daqahalia Salon at Al-Tazawq Palace , Sidi Gaber , Alexandria, June 2007
- Joint exhibition at Ibn Loqman House in Mansoura Museum , September 2007
- Exhibition ` Arts meeting` at Fine Arts gallery in Mubarak Library, November 2007
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
International exhibitions
- Collective exhibition in ex- Republic of democracy Germany 1973
- The General exhibition of Al-Qusiem artists - Saudi Arabia 1994, 1995
Publications and activities
- Symposium ` Al-Daqahalia my country` Visual vision - Fine Arts gallery - Al-Senbalwien Youth Center 1990
- Symposium ` Islamic Monuments in Cairo` in Mansoura Culture Palace 1992
Local recognition
- Prize and Certificate of Merit 1967
- Jury prize fro Cairo Salon 1977.
- Certificate of Merit from Al-Daqahalia governorate - Students Union - Cairo
- Certificate of Merit from the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Al-Daqahalia governorate 2006
International recognition
- Prize of King Abdel Aziz University - for design the facade of the big mosque in Barida - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Certificate of Merit from Barida National Library - for design the Facade of the Library - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Certificate of Merit from Al-Mahalia magazine - Germany
State collection

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