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Mahmoud Abdel Moniem Gad Mustafa
Personal Data
Birth date : 16/1/1976
Place of birth : Libya
Activities : Photography
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- Industrial High School Diploma (ornamentation,advertisement,coordination and Decor) 1993
- Member of secretariat of the National Party in Bani - Swief
- Member of Association ( Art- Symbol - Civilizations) Bani Swief
- Member of Association ( future leaders of development and Social services) Bani-Swief
-Member of Bani-Swief Culture Palace - Fine Arts Department from 1993
- Member of Academy of Culture , Art and Science - Giza
- Data entry in the Syndicate of pharmacist
Places of interest
- Bani-Swief
Local exhibitions
- The Fine Art exhibitions in the General Authority of Culture Palaces
- Joint Fine Arts exhibitions in Bani -Swief Culture Palace from 1993 to 1996
- The Fine Artist exhibition of Bani-Swief`s artists 15/8/1997
- Fine Arts exhibition among celebrations of Por Said by the Silver Jubilee of October Victory 1998
- Exhibition of Bani-Swief Artists 15/1/1998
- The Fine Art exhibition of Bani-Swief Sons in ocassion of the Silver Jubilee of October Victory 7/10/1998
- Joint exhibitions of the Compeitions in Fine Arts Sector from 1998 to 2001,2005
- Exhibition and Pioneers and Arts specialist in the Culture Palaces 15/2/1999
- Local Youth exhibition of Fine Arts 5/3/1999
- Spring exhibition of Bani -Swief Artists 14/3/2001
- Exhibition of the Spontaeous artists (Ambulant exhibition in many Egypt`s governorates 2002
- Exhibition of Bani-Swief Artists 28/7/2003
- Exhibition of the Spontaneous Arts and environmental crafts in Fayum Culture Palace 2004
- Exhibition of Bani-Swief Fine Artists 2005
- Festival of Fine Creations of Children in Palace of Arts , January 2006
- Founder member of Association (Art- Symbol - Civilizations) which call for advancement by the Art tastement and level at citizens
- Member of Consultatives Fine Artists Committtee among the consultative committee to adornment Bani -Swief under presidency of Mr./ Mohamed Anas Gaffar Bani-Swief governor 2004
- Beautification project of Bani - Swief City
Publications and activities
- Execute decor the following plays from 1999 till now
- Play` One hour` Ahanasia Culture House`
- Play `One crazy is not enough` - Ahanasia Culture House
- Play ` Water drop`- Children play
- payanola paly - Ahanasia Culture House
- Play` Farewell Song` - Theatrer Club
- Maronite Play - Theatre Club
- play` She is lost and we find it` - about addiction - Woman Culture
- Play of Faculty of Education 2005
- superiority party of Fcaulty of Education 2000
- Play`crossword puzzle` Baba Culture Palace 2006
- Play of the man who eat the goose - Faculty of Commerce 2006
- Play`Death` Theatre Club 2006
Local recognition
- 4th position from the Supreme Council of Youth and Sports 1998
-3rd position from the General Authority of Culture Palaces - The Spontaneous Competition 2002
-4th position from the General Authority of Culture Palaces 2004
- Certificate of Merit from Port Said governorate for participation in Victory ceremonies
- Certificate of Merit Authors and Writers Society ( C.W.P.A) in ocassion of 12th Poet Feast- Cairo
-Certificate of Merit from the General Authority of Culture Palaces - Cairo
- Certificate of Merit from the Wisdom Association of Arts and Technology and the Spontaneous Art Center - Giza
- Certificate of Merit from Bani-Swief governorate 2005
- Certificate from the Regional Authority to activation tourism
-Certificate of Merit from Fine Arts Sector for his participation in Fine Creations Festival of Children in Palace of Arts , January 2006
Private collection
- 3 tableau (Oil painting) at Family in Sidney City - Australia continent
State collection
- Tableau at the General Authority of Culture Palaces - Fine Arts Department
- Tableau at Bani-Swief Culture Palace , its subject ` the benefit of culture`
- Two tableaus at Fine Arts Sector
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