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Mona Fathi Mohamed Ibrahim
Personal Data
Birth date : 28/12/1976
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Ceremics

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Art Education Department 1998
- MA in Ceramics - Ain Shams University 2003
- Member of Al-Gharbia Salon of Fine Arts
- Specialist Arts in the Faculty of Specify Education in Tanta
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Specify Eduaction in Tanta
- Trainee in the Fine Arts Center in Al-Monofia University
Places of interest
- Al-Gharbia (Tanta)
Solo shows
- Solo exhibition in Tanta Culture Palace 1999
Local exhibitions
- The National Exhibition of Fine Arts , the session (26) 1999
- 3rd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999, 4th 2000, 6th 2003
International exhibitions
- 5th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 2000
- Freelance grant of Luxor Studios 1999
Local recognition
- Prize of 3rd Al-Gharbia Salon in Ceramics field
Private collection
- At some individuals inside Egypt
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