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Adel Salah Al-Dien Mohamed Hassan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Adel Salah Al-Dien Mohamed
Birth date : 31/8/1944
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Photography
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- BA of architecture - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University - Cairo 1969
- Architecture Diploma - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University 1972
- MA in architecture engineering - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University - Cairo 1975
- PhD philosophy of architecture engineering - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University - Cairo 1989
- Member of the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers 1969 -2004
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Engineers 1989 -2004
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Architects
- Member of the Egyptian Association of the development Science, Culture and Education 1992-2004
- Member of the Egyptian Association of planning
- Lecturer in Architecture Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University 1969
- Assistant Instructor in Architecture Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University 1975
- Assistant Professor in Architecture Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University 1989
- Participant Professor in Architecture Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University 1995 - 2004
- Freelance Professor Architecture Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University from 2004:2006
- Head of Architecture Department ( Computer Man College) Sudan 2006
Places of interest
- Alexandria , Cairo
- Algeria , United Arab of Emirates , Saudi Arabia , Sudan
Solo shows
- Exhibition of Computer Man College -Sudan , July 2005
- Exhibition of Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University - Cairo , September 2005
- Exhibition in Helwan University - Cairo , June 2006
Local exhibitions
- Staged Painting exhibition ( Digital painting) - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University - Cairo 2005
- Delegated as an Instructor in the Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University from 1985 : 1989
- Delegated as an Instructor in the Faculty of Education - Helwan University from 1987:1989
- Delegated as an Assistant Professor in Department of Interior Designs - Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia University from 1992: 1995
- Delegated as an Assistant Professor in Department of Interior Designs - High Institute of Restoration from 1994: 1995
- Delegated as an Assistant Professor in the Department of architecture engineering - Faculty of engineering - Univeristy of United Arab Emirates from 1996: 1998
- Freelance Professor in the Department of architecture engineering - International Egypt University from 2000: 2005
- Freelance Professor in the Department of Interior Designs - Faculty of Fine Arts - Luxor - University of Upper Egypt from 2000: 2005
- Member of the Consultative Committee of planning and beautification Al-Ariesh City 1999
- Member of Environment Committee - Faculty of Fine Arts 2001 - 2004
- Head of Committee of Supervison of Computer labs - Faculty of Fine Arts from 2002 -2004
Local recognition
- 3 Certificates of Merit from Helwan University
- Certificate of Merit from Ministry of Culture
- 1st Prize from Ministry of housing and Post office
- 2nd prize from Arab Contractors Company
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