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Al-Saida Mohamed Ibrahim Al-War
Personal Data
Fame Name : Al-Saida Al-War - Saida Mohamed Al-War
Birth date : 1/4/1958
Place of birth : Al-Qalioubia
Activities : Batik

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Ain Shams University 1992
- MA in Batik 1999
- PhD in Batik 2003
- Member of Teachers Syndicate
- Member of the Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Member of Association of Physicians for peace
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Specify Education - Batik Department - Ain Shams University 1992
- Assistant Instructor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Batik Department - Ain Shams University 1999
- Instructor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Batik Department - Ain Shams University 2003
Places of interest
- Al-Qalioubia
- Cairo
Solo shows
- Batik exhibition in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy - Zamalek 2005
- Batik exhibition in the National Center of Researches 2005
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition `Un` Hall - Faculty of Specify Education 2002
- Exhibition `Art Varities` Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2003
- Exhibition in Cairo House 2004
- Exhibition `Marketing the University Services` Hosting House - Ain Shams University 2004, 2005
- Exhibition ( Art for peace) in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2005
- Exhibition in `Un` Hall - Faculty of Specify Education 2005
- Exhibition `Fine rhythms` of Artists of the National Association of Fine Arts - The Social Cultural Center , February 2006
- 3rd Exhibition of Association of Fine messages entitle` rhythms from Nature` in `Un` Hall in the Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University , May 2006
- Member of Committee of Society and Environment development in the faculty
- Supervison on exhibition ( Marketing the Services of University) Department of Art Education 2004, 2005.
- Supervsion on Workshop in Association of Al-Helal Al-Ahmar 2004
- Supervsion on Workshop in Cairo House 2004
- Supervison on the Summer training (Batik) in the Center of University services in the Faculty 2004
- Supervison on workshop ( Batik) 2005
- Lecture about ( Modern Print Techniques) Ministry of Education - Administration of Nasr City 2004
Publications and activities
- Published research in the Center of Develpoment the University Education - Ain Shams University in the Annual Conference 2004
- Published research in the National Center of Researches in the Global Conference 2005
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from Center of Specify services - Faculty of Specify Education 2003
- Certificate of Merit from the General Authority of Culture Palaces 2004
- Certificate of Merit from Center of the Specify Services in the Faculty 2005
Private collection
- Finland Youth Center
- Jordan Youth Center
- Youth Center of Ain Shams University
- Latounia Youth Center
State collection
- Ain Shams University ( Hosting House )
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