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Ahmed Nasr Al-Dien Ahmed Hamied
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Hamied
Birth date : 14/8/1973
Activities : Decoration
Email : , ,

- High School Industrial Diploma - Decoration and Advertising Department 1993 .
- BA of Art Education - Helwan University 1997 .
- Free Studies in Art .
- Member of Land Association .
- Work Teacher of Advertising and Decoration in the Industrial Secondary School since 1999 - Sohag .
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitel `discoveries` Kalema Gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2004.
- Exhibition in `Engy Aflatoun` Gallery - Cairo Atelier 2005 .
- Exhibition entitle ` Old world .... New world` in (Tahia Haliem) Gallery - Cairo Atelier , October 2006 .
- At `Abdel Salam Sherif` gallery in Journalists Syndicate , November 2008 .
Local exhibitions
- Group of Joint exhibitions with students of the Fine Industries Section - Faculty of Education - Helwan University 1995, 1996, 1997 .
- 1st Drawing Salon ( Black - White) Geizira Arts Center , May 2004 .
- Collective exhibition - Museum of Fine Arts - Alexandria 2004 .
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004 .
- 1st Exhibition of Land Association in `Engy Aflatoun` Gallery - Cairo Atelier 2005 .
- Exhibition `Art touches` in `River` Gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2006.
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
- 3rd Spring Salon at ` Wisdom and kalema`galleries in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy, April 2008 .
- Exhibition ` Mahrousa nights`, September 2008 .
Publications and activities
- Collection of Interior drawings of many literary publications of the South Poets .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt .
State collection
- Ministry of Culture .
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