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Fadi Foukaih Ghattas Hanien
Personal Data
Fame Name : Fadi Foukaih
Birth date : 10/12/1956
Place of birth : Al-Qalioubia
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Art Education ( Sculpture) Department - Helwan University - Zamalek
- High Studies Diploma in Critique - The Egyptian Academy of Arts 1989
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of the Syndicate of Peromance Professions
- Member of the Arab Artists Union
- Member of Band of the National Theatre
- Researcher in Culture Drama in the Modern Theatre ( May 1992 -1999)
- Manager of Shoubra Al-Khaima Festival of Free Theatre ( 7th and 8th 1999 -2000)
- Manager of the Art Departments in the Modern Theatre
- Interior Designer in the National Theatre
Places of interest
- Bahtiem - Shoubra Al-Khaima - Al-Qalioubia
Solo shows
-In Bahtiem Sporting Club ( Painting - Sculpture) 1979
- In Shoubra Al-Khaima Culture Palace 1983
- In the Hall of the Modern Theatre ( Painting - Sculpture) 1986
Local exhibitions
- The Egyptian National exhibition of Youth from 1983 -1987
- Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1986
- 1st exhibition of Interior designers - Syndicate of Fine Artists , February 2004
International exhibitions
- The participation in International and Drama festivals like:
- Garish International Festival in Jordan ( June 1986) The Modern Theatre
- Garish International Festival in Jordan ( June 1989) The Modern Theatre
- Garish International Festival in Tunisie ( November 199) The National Theatre
- Festival of Algeria drama nights `April 2000` The National Theatre
- Touiama Global Festival of Children theatre in Japan `August 2000` Play ( The Grand night) - the Egyptian Association of Theatre fans
- Casa Blanca Festival of the University theatre - Morocco ( September 2000) - Ain Shams University
- Garish International Festival in Jordan (June 2001) The National Theatre
- Al-Qarien festival in Kuwait (February 2002` The National Theatre
-- Al-Rabat Festival in Morocco (July 2002) The National Theatre
- Al-Hammat and Susa festivals in Tunisie (August 2002) The National theatre
- Festival of the University theatre - Tunisie `August 2003` Play ` Toy` Ain Shams University
- Casa Blanca festival of the University Theatre - Morocco `September 2003 , Play ` You are free` Cairo University
- Solo exhibition in Tanga International Festival - Morocco 2004
- Design decor of International ceremonies:
- The Opening and end ceremony of the 1st Arab tournament of the feamle football ( Zamalek Club) 1997
- The Opening and end ceremony of Cairo International Festival ( Cinema Sheraton, March 1998)
- The Opening and end ceremony of Cairo International Cinema Festival ( Theatre of Cinema Radio) October 1998
- The The Opening and end ceremony of the Arab tournament of Hand ball ( Cairo Stadium) , December 1998
- Design Cinography and Decor of theatres of the General Sector
- Design Cineography and Decor of drama Shows in the Universities and Mass Culture
- Decor of play ` Land farce` Faculty of Tourism and Hotels 1982
- Decor of play in the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1982
- Decor play ` Mr. Clainuf` The High Institute of Natural cure 1983
- Decor Play ` Hell` - Faculty of Art Education - Zamalek 1984
- Decor Play ` Autiel returns back` Faculty of Law - Ain Shams University 1984
- Decor of Children play `Al-Gharieb` Shoubra Al-Khaima Culture Palace 1985
- Decor play ` messages of Ashabielia Judge` - Faculty of Arts - Ain Shams University 1985
- Decor of play in the Faculty of Art Education - Zamalek 1985
- Decor of play ` Sounds without echo` The High Institute of Nursing 1986
- Decor of play in Ismalia Culture Palace1986
- Decor of Play `Gypsies` Al-Riehani Culture Palace - Cairo 1988
- Decor of Play ` Blacks` the Egyptian Association of Theatre fans 1990
- Decor of Play in Cairo International Book Fair 1990
- Decor of Play ` Play ya Maimoun` Al-Nasr Cars company 1994
- Decor of Play ` Woman parliament` Manshiat Nasser Culture Palace - Cairo 1995
- Decor of Play ` Kan ya makan` Manshiat Nasser Culture Palace - Cairo 1996
- Decor of Children play in Roud Al-Farag Culture Palace - Cairo 2000
- Decor of Play ` Emigrant` Faculty of Commerce - Ain Shams University , March 2000
- Decor of Play in Shebeen Al-Qanater Culture House , Febrauary 2001
- Cineography of Play ` Miss Julia` Studio of Art 1991
- Cineography of Play ` Horses of Government` The Modern Theatre 1994
- Cineography of Play ` Devil preach` The National Theatre , December 1997
-Cineography of Play ` Dirty` The National Theatre , September 1998
- Cineography of Play ` Fume` The National Theatre , January 1999
- Cineography of Play ` Man who think` the National Theatre , October 1999
- Cineography of Play ` Father` Al-Hanager Theatre on the National Theatre , October 2000
- Cineography of Play ` illusion`Al-Hanager Center , March 2001
- Cineography of Play in the National Theatre, April 2001
- Cineography of Play in the Modern Theatre, September 2002
- Cineography of Play in Al-Taliaa Theatre , October 2003
- Cineography of Play ` Asmaaia Abdel Samiaa`Al-Taliaha Theatre , February 2004
- Sculpture works ( Statues and maskes` related to drama shows like:
- Copy of Statue `Nahdiet Misr` - Youth Theatre 1991
- Copy of Statue ` Ramses` - The Modern Theatre 1994
- Copy of some Statues and masks of the Global Artist ` Juia` - Al-Taliaha Theatre 1996
- Statues and masks of Play ` Goodbye ya Bakaout` the National Theatre 1997
- Sculpture works of Play` Woman who talks to herself` Al-Tahiaha Theatre , April 1997
- Sculpture works of Play ` Taste of talking` Al-Taliaaha Theatre , July 1997
- Scultpture works of Play ` under threat` Al-Taliaaha Theatre 1998
- Sculpture works of Play `Saloumi` Al-Anfoshi Culture Palace - Alexandria 1998
- Sculpture works and Statues of Play ` Saloumi Last dance` - The National Theatre 1999
- Drawing and engraving works in the Egyptian Journalism:
- Drawings accompanied to Poetry and Story works in `Al-Gadied` magazine from 1979 -1981
- Drawing in Al-Akhabar newspaper from 1979 -1984
Local recognition
- Prize of best decor in the Festival of Mass Culture 1989
- Prize of best decor of Film ` Elia` Alexandria Festival of the Chritisian Film 20047
International recognition
- Certificate of Merit from 44thSousa International Festival - Tunisie 2002
- Prize of best decor of Play ` You are Free` - 15th Festival of the University theatre - Morocco 2003
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