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Mahmoud Mohamed Mousa
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mahmoud Mosa
Birth date : 16/5/1913
Place of birth : Alexandria
Date of death : 25/1/2003
Activities : Sculpture

- started his art study at a night art school 1929:1931.
- joined the free night school at the Art Amateurs Society- Headed by Mahmoud Said (founded by Hassan Kamel).
- worked for Al-Hoda Ceramic Factory- founded by Huda Shaarawy- 1933.
- taught direct sculptureat at the Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria- 1957.
Places of interest
- Alexandria- Cairo.
Solo shows
- A Collective Exhibition for his works at the Soviet Cultural Center- Alexandria- with Artist\ Abdel-Salam Eid- 1973.
- A Collective Exhibition for his works at the Soviet Cultural Center- Alexandria- with Artist\ Esmat Dawestashy- 1974.
- The Three Generations Exhibition- Hourrya Culture Palace- with Artist\ Ahmed Abdel_Wahab and Artist\ Esmat Dawestashy- 1978.
- A Collective Exhibition for his works at the Egyptian Academy- Rome- 1987.
- many honorary exhibitions were held for his works- the latest was Alexandria Biennale- 2001.
- Exhibition at Khan Al-Maghraby- Zamalek- 2007.
Local exhibitions
- started to participate in art exhibitionsin 1928- by participating in a general exhibition with Mohamed Nagy, Mahmoud Mukhtar, Mahmoud Said and others.
- The National Fine Art exhibitoin- 25\ 1997- and many other previous sessions.
- most of the general exhibtons in Cairo and Alexandria.
- Exhibition entitled with `In the Fram`- Khan Al-Maghraby- Zamalek- 2007.
- The Generations Assembly exhibition- Khan Al-maghraby- 2008.
International exhibitions
- Alexandria Biennale- sessions (2,3,4,5,9,10,21)
- The Egyptian Art Exibition abroad.
- The Open Air Ssulpture- Symposium- Yugoslavia- 1980, where he produced Two statues at the open garden.
- The Egyptian Academy in Rome- where he produced an enornouse Bird Statue from white marble- 1987.
- a devotion scholarship from the Ministry of Culture- 1963:1975.
- ceated a memorial for The Greek Aviation Martyers- assigned by the Greek Military Ministry- 1943.
- a marble relief at the National Bank in Cairo- 1955.
- a relief at Akhbar Al-Youm Publisher- 1957.
- a relief at Al-Gezuit Church- Alexandria- 1957.
- a relief at the passengers nautical port- Alexandria- 1961.
- a relief at Cairo Sheraton Hotel- 1967.
- a relief at the Maroun Church- 1967.
- a stone statue in Rotaroz- Yoguslavia- 1980.
Publications and activities
- he regarded one of Alexandria Atelier Founders as he was the only Egyptian Artist at the atelier in 1940.
International recognition
-2nd prize in sculpture- Alexandria Biennale- The Egyptian Pavelion- session 1\ 1955.
- The 1st scultpure prize of the Egyptian department- Alexandria Biennale- 1963.
- won many prizes and certificates of merit- the latest was at the 6th International Sculpture Symposium- Aswan- 2001.
Private collection
- private collections in Egypt and all over the world.
State collection
- The Egyptian Modern Art Museum- Cairo.
- The Modern Art Museum- Alexandria.
- The Fine Art Exhibition- Alexandria.
- Al-Ahram Journal Group.
- The National Bank Group.
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