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Magda Abdel Wahab Ali Al-Agami
Personal Data
Fame Name : Magda Al-Agami
Birth date : 13/5/1952
Place of birth : Al-Daqahalia
Activities : Art Sponsors

- BA of Faculty of Arts and Education - Helwan University 1974 .
- MA in Art works - Mansoura University .
- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education - Art Education Section - Ain Shams University.
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 3604/1050 Painting .
- Member of Teachers Syndicate - Mansoura .
- Teacher in Minsitry of Education ( preparatory then Secondary).
- Teacher in Teachers House - Kuwait .
- Assistant Instructor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Al-Monoufia Univeristy
- Professor and member of Teaching Staff in the Faculty of Specify Education - Mansoura .
- Professor of Art works - Faculty of Specify Education - Mansoura University .
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Alexandria
- Al-Monoufia
- Ismalia
- Mansoura (Miet Ghamr)
- Kuwait .
Solo shows
- In Kuwait State 1980 .
- In the Gallery of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Miet Ghamr - Mansoura University .
- In Dar Ibn Loqman - Mansoura National Museum 2003 .
- In Creation and Critique Center - Ahmed Shawky Museum 2004 .
- In Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center - Miet Al-Umma Museum 2006 .
Local exhibitions
- Staged 6 exhibitions from 1990 to 1995 in Assigment of Art Education Department - Faculty of Specify Education - Miet Ghamr - Mansoura University .
- 2 exhibition in Noaman Ashour Culture Palace - Miet Ghamr 1992,1996 .
- Staged 4 exhibitions in Al-Gharbia Culture Palace from 1990 to 1995 - Tanta
- Exhibitions of Al-Gharbia and Alexandria Salon from 2001:2002 .
- 7th Daqahalia Salon 2003 , 8th 2004 .
- 7th Port Said National Biennale 2005 .
- 9th Daqahalia Salon 2005, 10th 2006 .
- Exhibition of 11th Daqahalia Salon - Mansoura National Museum , March 2007 .
International exhibitions
- Staged four exhibitions in the Ministry of Education from 1979 :1982 - Kuwait .
- Scholarship to Kuwait 1979 .
- The supervison on Students projects - Faculty of Specify Education - Miet Ghamr
- The participation in Art work to beautification Mubarak Library in Mansoura , Faculty of Specify Education in Zagagig , Monoufia , Mansoura , Miet Ghamr , Minet Al-Nasr , Ain Shams
Local and international Who's Who
- Society and University magazine - 3rd Issue - published by Council of Environment Affairs - Cairo University - December 2002 .
Publications and activities
- 7 bboks of Fine arts and Education .
- Interview in the General programme in Broadcast 7 January 3003 - Programme` House wives` with Mrs./ Mona Khalil - Cairo University .
- Series fro 30 min on Channel 6 - 16/10/2003 .
- Pioneer of Family ( your artists egypt) and practice different art activity .
- The Participation in the week of Youth of University which organized by Masnoura University .
- Participated in some Conferences inside Egypt - Conference of Cairo University 21 -23 December 2002 .
- Participated in the 1st Scientific Conference of the Specify Education and modernization society , February 2003 .
-Al-Ahram newspaper - Page of Fine Creation ( Art news) 19/10/2003 .
- Al-Ahram newspaper - Page ` without title` - news of morning - of Mr./ Ali Salem Ibrahim 26/10/2003 .
- Interview in programme ( new morning) Nile Channel of news
- Symposium about fine arts and the effect of the art exhibitions on the General tastement - Ahmed Shawky Museum .
- Participated by published researches in Conferences and Scientific magazines
Local recognition
- won many prizes and Certificates of Merit .
- Certificate of Merit - Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo University in the 1st Scientific Conference 2003 .
- Certificate of Merit from Syndicate of Fine Artists - Al-Daqahalia for her participation and Creations in 7th Daqahalia Salon 2003 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and some arab countries .
State collection
- Mansoura University .
- Ain Shams University .
- Al-Zagazig University .
- Al-Monoufia University .
- Museum of Ministry of Education - Mansoura .
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