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Ragaai Abdullah Ibrahim Abdel Gawad
Personal Data
Birth date : 10/5/1971
Place of birth : Al-Qalioubia
Activities : Ceremics
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- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1994
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine artists
- Assistant Instrcutor of Art Education - Faculty of Girls - Ain Shams University
- Professor in the Faculty of Girls - Ain Shams University
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many competitions and Solo and Collective exhibitions in the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth ` Youth Centers`
- Gazabia Serry competition in the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1993, 1994
- 5th Pottery Forum - The General Authority of Culture Palaces - Qena 2003
-15th Youth Salon 2003
-28th National exhibition of Fine arts 2003
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
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