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Ahmed Mohamed Mohie Al-Dien Al-Naghy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Mohie Al-Dien Al-Naghy
Birth date : 10/8/1977
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Art Education 2001
- Preliminary MA in the Faculty of Art Education
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Art member in the General Administration of Arts Centers
Local exhibitions
- Participated in Collective exhibition ` Art and Hertiage` - Horus Gallery - Faculty of Art Education 1998
- Participated in exhibition of Alumni of Helwan University 2000
- Design Mural in Suzan Mubarak Culture Palace
-6th Salon of Mini Works of Art
-15th Youth Salon 2003
International exhibitions
-6th Ceramics International Biennale 2002
Private collection
- At art Lovers inside Egypt and abroad
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