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Amr Ahmed Al-Said Al-Atroushy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Amr Al-Atroushy
Birth date : 12/1/1982
Place of birth : Port Said
Activities : Graphic - Print
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- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education 2002 - Port Said
- High Studies Diploma - Design Section
- Member of Association of the Golden triangle of Fine Arts
- Member of Teaching Staff Club
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education
- Interior and external designer
Places of interest
- Port Said
- Cairo
Solo shows
Exhibition in the Culture Palace in the Gallery of Port Fouad Youth Center 1998
- Exhibition`First Step` - Al-Alias Francies Gallery - Port Said 2000
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Association of the Golden triangle 1999
- Port Said Youth Salon - Culture Palace 2000/2002
- 27th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001
-13th Youth Salon 2001, 14th 2002
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
-7th Port Said National Biennale 2005
International exhibitions
-6th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 2002
- Some works in restors in Port Said like: Murals , Sculpture in : Al-Crawan , Al-Kanari , Al-Batrous , Al-Yaqout
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Palace of Arts , Cairo
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