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Curriculum Vitae
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Samar Hassan Saad
Personal Data
Birth date : 11/7/1979
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts 2001
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Work in teaching in Faculty of Specify Education
Local exhibitions
-27th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001
- Exhibition of students of Fine Arts Faculty 2000 -2001
-4th and 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2000 -2002
-Exhibition `Bashaier 3` 2000
- Exhibition of Competition of the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth
- Exhibition of Works of Faculty in Helwan University
Local recognition
- 3rd prize in Competition of Sport and Youth 2001
- 2nd prize of the University 2000 -2001
- 2nd prize in Competition of Helwan Uiversity of Poster
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