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Mohsen Mohamed Ibrahim Attya
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohsen Attya
Birth date : 7/8/1947
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
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- Graduated from the High Institute of Art Education 1969.
- MA n art education from the High Institute of Art Education 1973.
- Ph.D. in philosophy of criticism from Rueben Art Academy - Russia 1979.
- Fine Artists Association .
- The Egyptian Society of Education Through Art.
- The International INSEA.
- The Egyptian Critics Association (AICA).
- Art Lovers Society.
- Instructor at the High Institute of Art Education 1970 .
- Teacher at the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1977.
- Assistant teacher at the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1988.
- Professor of criticism at the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - 1993.
- Head of Criticism and Art Taste Department - the Faculty of Art Education Helwan University.
- Deputy of High Studies at the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 2001 - 2004.
- Teacher of art history - criticism - aesthetic - since 1970 - at Helwan University - Menia University - Al-Azhar University - faculties of specific education and the General Authority of Cultural Palaces in Egypt.
- Al-Mostansrya and Kufa universities in Iraq.
- Qatar University.
Places of interest
- Cairo, Russia, Moscow, Betrousburg, Baghdad, Doha in Qatar.
Solo shows
- Joint show with Said Saad - Cairo Atelier 1967.
- Exhibition of Call for the Other Group - Cairo Atelier 1972.
- Exhibition of Call for the Other Group - Cairo Atelier 1973.
- Exhibition at Rueben Academy - March 1978.
- Exhibition with artist Tharwatt Fakhry.
- Exhibition at Extra art gallery in Zamalek - February 2006- 2008 - 2009.
Local exhibitions
- Since 1967 he participated in the Egyptian art movement with oil painting and collage pieces of art in spring and autumn salons.
- The 26th - 27th National Art Exhibition - 1999 - 2001.
- The 5th - 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art - 2002 - 2003.
- The 28th National Art Exhibition - 2003.
- The Premiere Black and White Drawing Salon at Gezira Arts Center - May 2004.
- The 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art - 2004.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition - 2005.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007.
- Exhibition entitle `Alexandrian meeting` at Mahmoud Saeed Center of Museums 2007 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation ( 31st General exhibition) 2008 .
International exhibitions
- Represented Egypt at the Egyptian Art Exhibition in Russia - 2004.
- The Egyptian Art Exhibition in Hong Kong - 2005.
- Scholarship to study Ph.D. in Rueben Academy - Russia from 1975 to 1979.
- Scientific art mission in San Botrousburg - 1983.
- Main lectures:
- 1989 “Aesthetic values of national heritage” at Mukhtar Museum Friendship in Cairo.
- 1991“Contemporary view on archaic art” at the Qatari Society of Fine Arts in Doha.
- 1992 “Contemporary notions in Art Education” Continuous Program of Art Education Teachers in Qatar.
- 1998 “ imitation in fine arts between fake and creation” - at Art Lovers Society.
- 1998 “Audience – artists relationship” - seminar at the Faculty of Specific Education in Tantta.
- 1987 scientific conference at al-Mostansrya University in Baghdad.
- 1988 INSEA International Conference at the Arab League in Cairo.
- 1990 Teacher Preparation Conference - in frame of education development strategy - Menia University.
- 1992 “Towards better education for primary school pupils in Arab Gulf Countries” - held in Qatar University.
- 1996 “Role of School - Family and Society in Developing Inventions” - held in Qatar University.
- 1996 seminar parallel to the 6th Cairo International Biennale.
- 1997 Seminar parallel to the 2nd Egypt International Print Triennale - at Helwan University.
- 1998 the 3rd Fine Arts Symposium organized by the Supreme Council of Culture.
- 1998 seminar parallel to the 7th Cairo International Biennale.
- 1997 – 2004 member of the High Authentication Data Committee of the Art Information Bank at the Sector of Fine Arts - Ministry of Culture.
- 1997 jury member of the 9th Youth Salon.
- 1998 Commissaire of the Egyptian Art Exhibition in Tashkent - Uzbakistan.
- 1999 member of the Custody Committee of the 2nd Conference of Fine Artists Association.
- 2000 Jury member of the 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art.
- 2001 Commissaire of the Egyptian pavilion in Bangladesh Biennale.
- 2001 – 2004 Member of the High Committee of Modern Art Museum.
- 2003 Member of Selection Committee of the National Art Exhibition.
- 2004 member of the Permanent Committee of Ph.D. Studies in Art Criticism - Art Academy.
- 2005 Head of the National Conference of Youth Salon.
- Supervised on many MA and Ph.D. studies in Helwan University.
- Arbitrated on many researches published in Egypt and abroad.
Local and international Who's Who
- Stars Encyclopedia.
- The Arabic Art Movement - Baghdad.
- Tasting Art Creation - Mahmoud al-Bassuny.
- 2003 –2004 Contemporary Who’s Who.
Publications and activities
- 1982 “Western Art in 19th and 20th Centuries”.
- 1986 “Islamic Art Subjects”.
- 1990 “Islamic Art Subjects” - al-Shaab Publications.
- 1991 “Aim of Art” philosophical critical study - Maaref publication.
- 1993 “Art and Symbolism World” - Maaref Publication - Egypt.
- 1994 “Roots of Art” - Maaref Publication - Egypt.
- 1994 “Art and Social Life” - Maaref Publication - Egypt.
- 1995 “Art Taste – Styles - Techniques and Theories” Maaref Publication - Egypt.
- 1995 “New Horizons in Art” Maaref Publication - Egypt.
- 1997 “Art and Aesthetics in Renaissance Epoch” Books World Library - Egypt.
- 1986 “Criticism Contest organized by the Supreme Council of Culture).
* Researches:
- 1983- For laying down an evaluating caliber of artworks - magazine of the Art Academy in Leningrad.
- 1987- “Aesthetics and functional values of arabesque windows (Mashrabya) of the Egyptian houses in Mamlouk and Ottoman epochs” - 10th volume - third edition - Studies and Researches magazine - Helwan University.
- 1987 “TV and art education” - Al-Mostansrya University - Baghdad.
1987- “Functional aesthetics of Islamic architects” - fourth volume - Studies and Researches magazine - Helwan University.
- 1988 “Tasting the aesthetic values of the territorial heritage achieving goals of art education” INSEA Conference - among activities of Cairo Conference.
- 1989 - innocence of infancy imagination and charmed impression of Pueblo Picasso Grotesque works of art” Science and Art magazine - first volume - third edition - Helwan University.
- 1990- “Oriental impression of geometrical and plant decorations of Islamic arts” - second volume - second edition - Science and Art magazine Helwan University.
- 1990- “Tasting expressionist aesthetics in portraits” - Menia University.
- 1992- “authenticated and contemporary symbolic art” - Psychology and Educational Research magazine - six volume- second edition - Menia University.
- 1992 “ aesthetic values in Cave Age drawings”- Educational Research magazine - six volume- second edition - Menia University.
1994 “artistic and expressionist signs of kids drawings of Elephant Story” - Faculty of Education in Qatar.
- 1996 “Modernism and Postmodernism Arts” - international seminar parallel to the 6th Cairo International Biennale.
- 1997 “meaning of authentication in printed pictures” - review of the international seminar of Egypt International Triennale.
- 1998 “Culture and art transformation ability of the Egyptian artists throughout history” - the 7th Cairo International Biennale.
- 1998 “Art history and values conflicts” - the 7th Cairo International Biennale.
* Essays - reviews :
- 1986 Al-Gomhorya newspaper - Cairo.
- 1987-1990 Prism magazine - Egyptian Ministry of Culture Publication.
- 1988 Arab Horizons magazine - Iraqi Ministry of Culture Publication.
- 1994 - 1996 Arab newspaper in Qatar.
- 2000 “Aesthetic Values of Fine Arts” Arabic Intellectual Publication.
- 2001 “Artists and Audience” - Arabic Intellectual Publication.
- 2001 “Internal Aesthetic of Egyptian Ancient Art” - Books World Publication.
Local recognition
- Gold prize for criticism from the Supreme Council of Culture 1986.
International recognition
- Gold medal for distinguished creation from Uzbakistan Academy 2003.
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- Egypt Modern Art Museum.
- Helwan University.
- Tashkent Art Academy.
- Bangladesh Modern Art Museum.
- Uzbakistan National Art Museum.
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