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Ahmed Sabry
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Sabry
Birth date : 20/4/1889
Date of death : 8/3/1955
Activities : Painting

- Joined School of Fine Arts 1911 ,and graduated in 1914
- Then Joulian Academy
- Teaching Drawing in Mustafa Kamel National School
- Painter of insects in Ministry of Agriculture 1923
- Professor in High School of Fine arts , Painting Department 1929
- Head of Painting `Free` department ,till 1949
Solo shows
- In Cairo 1925
- Museume of the Modern Egyptian Art, October 1991
- At Shamoua gallery 1997
- At Horizon One gallery 2003
Local exhibitions
-Autumn exhibition 1929
- 1st Salon of Cairo Atelier 2005
- At Gougan gallery 2006
- At Dimensions gallery , Modern Egyptian Art Museum, January 2008
International exhibitions
- In Paris International exhibition 1926,1929
- Scholarship to France on expense of Prince Youssef Kamal, but he didnt travel cause of the World War 1.
- Scholarship to Paris on expense of Ministry of works , where pupilage under ` Paul Albier` , ` Aimanwell Fougera`
- Tried hard to establishment the free department in Faculty of Fine Arts ,and became its head
Local and international Who's Who
- Produced book about Information authority , by Hussien Biekar 1983
- Published chapter about his art and life in ` Museum in Book`, by Prof/ Sobhy Al-Sharouny 1998
- Produce book, writen by artist and critic/ Mohamed Sedeqi Al-Gabakhangy
Local recognition
- 1st Medal of Painting from Cairo Salon
- Honored by state by release his name on one of zamalek streets lead to Faculty of Fine Arts by
International recognition
-Certificate of Merit
- Medal of honor from Paris International Salon 1929
- The Golden Medal
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art has 40 tableau of his works
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